Dera is an elf employed by Yevhen. After Yevhen's wife died she raised his sons, and has come to see the youngest, Merin, as her own.
Note: Dera will only be encountered if a Dragon Age: Origins save where Nathaniel Howe died or was never recruited into the Grey Wardens was imported.
Dera is involved in the quest Fool's Gold. In Hightown, Hawke can talk to Yevhen, a dwarven merchant who is distraught after his three sons went down into the Deep Roads alone in search of treasure. The men were inspired by Hawke's own excursion into the Deep Roads and sought to follow the same course.
While questioning Yevhen, Dera gives her own opinion of all three sons, often to the chagrin of Yevhen. She, as well as Yevhen, can provide insight into why the sons possibly went into the Deep Roads. Dera expresses loathing for Iwan, mild disdain for Emrys, and unmitigated love for Merin, saying the latter is "like a son" to her.
- Fool's Gold (conditional)