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Daveth is a human rogue and Grey Warden recruit the Warden meets at Ostagar. He is a temporary companion.


Daveth grew up in a small unmapped village a few days east of Ostagar, and near the Korcari Wilds. He fled from his village and his father as soon as he was able and later moved to Denerim, where he spent six years living as a career criminal.

While in Denerim, Daveth tried to cut Duncan's purse, only to be caught red-handed by the Grey Warden. He fled, but the guards caught him before Duncan could. With the guards seeking to hang him for repeated offenses, Duncan intervened with the Right of Conscription, simultaneously saving Daveth's life and recruiting him to the Grey Wardens.




Class: Rogue

Specialization: None

Starting Talents/Skills: Daveth begins with level 1 Poison-Making and level 2 Combat Training

Rogue: Dirty Fighting, Stealth

Dual Weapon: Dual-Weapon Training, Dual-Weapon Finesse

Archery: Pinning Shot

He comes equipped with a longbow by default and Pinning Shot, but his lack of the Melee Archer ability and other Archery talents limits his use as an archer. If wishing to use Daveth as an archer, the player should set his tactics to switch to melee weapons if he is attacked by enemies. Despite being described as a cutpurse, Daveth is not a very good one; he cannot steal and is a very poor locksmith. He is unable to pick any of the locks in the Korcari Wilds area and few in the Ostagar camp. If The Warden is not a Rogue with the ability to pick locks, the chests in this area will have to go unopened. The Warden may not return to these areas.


  • "You see, ser knight? We might die, but we'll be warned about it first."
  • "That's me, I'm a fellow."
  • "A darkspawn, an abomination and a pony walk into a bar... stop me if you've heard this one."
  • "I'd sacrifice a lot more if I knew it would end the Blight."
  • "She'll put us all in the pot, she will. Just you watch."
  • "If they can't see you, they can't kill you."
  • "Well -- in for a silver, in for a crown... as my dear Mum always used to say."


  • When asked to compare Daveth to a food, BioWare employee Sheryl Chee stated that "Daveth is like pop rocks."
  • Writer Sheryl Chee also commented that when going out for a drink Daveth would "order a large variety of those pretty drinks that come in Martini glasses and taste like candy, and send them to that cute girl in the corner."