Dragon Age Wiki
Dragon Age Wiki
Gold Sovereign
See also: Money Making Guide

In Ferelden, gold, silver and bronze denominations are used for currency. The gold coins are called "sovereigns", the silver coins "pieces" and bronze coins "bits". Bits and silvers, with their lower worth, are the more common coins, whereas the highly valuable sovereigns are rarer. One gold piece equals 100 silver pieces and one silver piece equals 100 bronze pieces. Each nation in Thedas has their own currency, if they have any at all, but some currencies are universally accepted, likely meaning that gold, silver and bronze are usable everywhere in Thedas. Dwarves were the first race to create coinage.


  • DAO bronzepiece Copper piece or "bit" symbol
  • DAO silverpiece Silver piece or "piece" symbol
  • DAO goldpiece Gold piece or "sovereign" symbol
  • DAO bronze stack Copper pieces
  • DAO silver stack Silver pieces
  • DAO gold stack Gold pieces

