Dragon Age Wiki
Dragon Age Wiki


Crafting in Dragon Age II differs from crafting in Dragon Age: Origins. In Origins, the Warden found plants, crystals and other items during their travels and then used them for crafting employing either their own or a companion's needed crafting skill. In Dragon Age II, Hawke must find crafting recipes and resources and then take them to crafting stations. Once a resource has been located, all crafters will be able to use it. Orders for craftable items may be given from Hawke's home or the crafters themselves (Runes in Hightown, Poisons and Bombs in Darktown, and Potions in Lowtown.).

According to information given in the game, undiscovered component resources will become unavailable over the timespan of the game, so players should keep their eyes open and collect any crafting resources when they see them in case the opportunity to collect that particular resource should be lost; however, if the The Black Emporium content is installed, missed ingredients may be bought there. Note that if you don't recruit Isabela, you can't have the ambrosia, not even buying it... Probably the same for Merril

Should be pertinent to note: The information in the crafting section of the official guide isn't correct.

Crafting Recipes




Poisons & Grenades

Crafting resource locations


Elfroot 9

Spindleweed 6

Embrium 6

Ambrosia 1


Lyrium 9

Silverite 6

Orichalcum 6

Note: In Act 2 an Orichalcum will either appear in the Sundermount Caverns, or the Deep Roads during the Fool's Gold quest. If Fool's Gold isn't available in your playthrough, then the resource will appear in the Sundermount Caverns. (Confirmation requested)

Note: Fool's Gold quest was available on my playthrough, but the Orichalcum was nowhere to be found in the Deep Roads during the quest. Both were still found in the Sundermount Caverns.

Dragons blood 1

Poisons & Grenades

Deep Mushroom 9

Deathroot 6

Glitterdust 6

Felendaris 1

