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  • Corypheus: Be this some dream I wake from? Am I in dwarven lands? Why seem their roads so empty?
  • Corypheus: You! Serve you at the temple of Dumat? Bring me hence! I would speak with the first acolyte!
  • Corypheus: You look human. Are you not citizens of the Empire? Slaves then, to the dwarves? Why come you here?
  • Corypheus: Whoever you be, you owe fealty to any magister of Tevinter. On your knees! All of you!
  • You seem a little confused
  • Hawke: You're a darkspawn. Dark... spawn... Ravaging the Deep Roads, spreading the Blight. Does this ring a bell?
  • Corypheus: You are what held me. I smell the blood in you.
  • Corypheus: Dumat! Lord! Tell me. What waking dream is this?
  • Corypheus: The light. We sought the golden light. You offered... the power of the gods themselves.
  • Corypheus: But it was... black... corrupt. Darkness... ever since. How long?
  • Janeka: He speaks of the Golden City. He was one of them, the magisters who violated the Maker's sacred space. They became the first Darkspawn. It was he and his kind who brought the Blight down on all of us.
If Fenris is in the group:
  • Fenris: The original magister? It is their depravities the magisters of today strive to live up to. If they still exist, in any form, we should wipe them from the face of Thedas.
If the Warden sided with Janeka:
  • Janeka: Corypheus must have been controlling me, whispering in my mind... That's what the Wardens meant. He can speak through the corruption...
  • What does he want?
  • Hawke: If he's been calling the Wardens to free him, what's his plan? He seems confused.
If the Warden sided with Janeka:
  • Janeka: I dont know. Everything I've read says he's been asleep, in stasis. Perhaps calling us was only an instinct. But he can still become the threat the Wardens always thought he was. Larius was right. We must destroy him.

- And now Corypheus wants me (purple)

  • Hawke: First he went after the Maker in His House, then me in mine. I'm honored.
  • Corypheus: The city! It was supposed to be golden! It was supposed to be ours!
  • Corypheus: If I cannot leave with you, I will leave through you! I seek the light!
  • Corypheus: I made your sacrifices, Lord. Strengthen me now! attacks