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Coracavus is an ancient Tevinter prison in the northern part of the Western Approach. Long-abandoned, it is now in ruins.


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Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Coracavus was used to house prisoners whose crimes ranged from treason to public indecency. The prison was eventually abandoned and remained sealed until 9:41 Dragon when a Venatori expedition to the Western Approach led by Crassius Servis arrived and began to excavate it in search of lost Tevinter knowledge. To increase the pace of the work, the Venatori captured a Giant to perform the heavier tasks.

Unknown to the Venatori, the ancient Tevinters had unwittingly built Coracavus over an old entrance to the Deep Roads. The Venatori activity lured darkspawn, who poured into the prison after the workers breached a wall. Although the first wave was defeated and Servis ordered that work be continued, more darkspawn followed and slaughtered the remaining workers. The Venatori abandoned Coracavus and focused their efforts elsewhere.

When the Inquisitor arrives in the Western Approach, Servis and his minions have secured themselves in Echoback Canyon, inaccessible behind the Gate of Andoral and the Gate of Toth. After capturing Griffon Wing Keep, darkspawn emerge from the northern entrance of Coracavus, cut off from the rest of the area by hazardous sulphur pits, and begin roaming the region. Upon bridging the sulphur pits, the Inquisitor enters Coracavus, seals the tunnel the darkspawn were using, and gains access to Echoback Canyon via the prison's southern entrance.


  • North Prisoner Entrance
  • North Guard Hall
  • Holding Cells
  • Records Room
  • Front Corridor
  • South Hall
  • South Entrance


Notable items

Additional Notes


The Trouble with Darkspawn The Trouble with Darkspawn

Codex Entries
