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Codex text

Party members and enemies can be affected by (or innately possess) a range of status effects. The list below provides a brief synopsis of general terms.

Debilitating Effects

Disabled (includes Frozen, Paralyzed, Stunned, and Asleep): The target cannot move or take any action. This effect usually has a limited duration or an action that ends it (taking damage causes a sleeping target to wake up). Note: You can hit disabled targets with abilities marked as detonators to cause devastating combo effects.

Taking Damage over Time (includes Burning, Poisoned, Bleeding): The target takes ongoing damage of a given type over a period of time.

Chilled: The target moves and attacks more slowly.

Confused: The target will attack its own allies.

Knocked Down: The targest lies prone on the ground and will require a few moments to get back on its feet.

Panicked: The target stops attacking and moves randomly around the battlefield. Taking damage ends the effect.

Shocked: The target's magical resistance is reduced. It will take bonus damage from magical attacks.

Slowed: The target moves more slowly.

Swarmed: The target is covered in bees. It takes ongoing damage and has a chance to become panicked as a result of the stinging.

Sundered: The target's armor is reduced. It will take bonus damage from physical attacks.

Taunted: The target preferentially attacks the character who used the taunting ability to the exclusion of all others, moving to engage them if necessary.

Weakened: The target's attacks do less damage.

Vulnerable (type): The target will take bonus damage from attacks of this type (such as fire, cold, or spirit).

Beneficial Effects

Barrier: A magical effect that protects the target from damage. Incoming attacks must deplete the barrier before the target loses health. Some abilities, spells, and weapons do bonus damage against a target's barrier.

Guard: A type of combat training that protects the target from damage. Incoming attacks must deplete the guard before the target loses health. Some abilities, spells, and weapons do bonus damage against a target's guard. A target with an active guard resists being staggered or knocked down.

Resistance (type): The target takes less damage from attacks of this type of damage (such as fire, cold, or spirit).

Greater Resistance (type): The target takes little or no damage from attacks of this type, rendering it almost completely ineffective.

Immunity (effect): The target is completely immune to one or more debilitating effects (such as Burning or Asleep).
