Codex text
Donnen Brennokovic left his partner, Jevlan, at the barracks. The recruit was even more jittery after their run-in with Captain Belladonna, and although Donnen himself was starting to feel his limbs weighed down and aching after such a long shift, he finally had the scent of something in this case. He wouldn't let it get away.
The city of Kirkwall has a legacy of collectors. It was built in ancient times by Tevinters who collected suffering as if it were rare coins, and they passed on their obsession with obsession to future generations. On any street from Darktown to the Viscount's Keep, you can always find someone who'll always buy tapestries or who has every known spoon made in Nevarra. Or someone who hoards odd bits and scraps of historical knowledge like it's their grandmother's crockery.
Which is how he found himself knocking on a brightly painted door in the Alienage.
"Oh, guardsman! What a nice surprise! Nobody's been mugged, have they?" The elf beamed up at him. She had green eyes so wide, they barely fit in her face, and she seemed to be made of nothing but elbows and knees.
"No muggings today, Maysie." Donnen had to duck his head slightly to get through the door. "I have something you might be interested in." He handed her the letter the magistrate's wife had given him the night before.
"Well, this doesn't look very interesting at all." Maysie frowned, disappointed. "'What you have claimed belongs to greater powers. You will answer to us.' That's a lot of rubbish."
"Not that. Look at the back."
She flipped the letter over and cooed as if she'd found a lost puppy. "Oh! Just look at you! You're just perfect!"
"Maysie." Donnen spoke in a loud, firm voice, trying to remind her he was still in the room. "Whose seal is that?"
"Oh, it's the Executors, of course!" Maysie peered excitedly at the wax seal, holding it up to the window for better light. "I should have guessed it from the silly 'great powers' nonsense. There's only been one example, on the letter claiming responsibility for the assassination of Queen Madrigal in 5:99! And this one is so much better! Just look at that imprint!"
"Any idea how I'd contact these 'Executors'?" Donnen asked.
"Oh, they're not real, of course. Everyone knows that."