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See also: The Paragon's Heir, House Tethras

Codex text

It's ironic. Hearing of Tethras Garen's crime first gave me the courage to confess my own and join the Legion of the Dead. Knowing that a Paragon's son could give in to the same base passions as a mere merchant, commit a murder even fouler than mine...

Yet he was sentenced to die in the Deep Roads for murdering his sister, not even offered the chance at the Legion. I am grateful every day for what the Legion gave me: a family, a purpose, and my name is clear.

So when the Paragon learned that the Carta were responsible for the murder, not his son, I was the first to volunteer to retrieve the prince. It's not right that he should be the only one who doesn't know he's been exonerated.

—From the journal of Malev Haran, Legion of the Dead

Further information

  • King Orrick Garen sentenced Tethras to be exile into the Deep Roads for murdering his sister Unaria. Orrick eventually found out that the Carta were responsible for the murder and was so overcome with guilt, that for ten years he continuously sent Legionnaire units into the Deep Roads in an effort to find Tethras.

Related texts

Codex entry: Second Legionnaire's Journal Codex entry: Second Legionnaire's Journal
Codex entry: Third Legionnaire's Journal Codex entry: Third Legionnaire's Journal

