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For Codex: Letters & Notes in Dragon Age: Inquisition, see Codex: Letters & Notes.

Section of the codex dealing with the Letters and Notes in Dragon Age II.

Dragon Age II[]

The Awiergan Scrolls: First Aspect

Main article: Codex entry: The Awiergan Scrolls: First Aspect
See also: The Awiergan Scrolls: First Aspect

(The first scroll is marked with a Chasind chieftain's sigil.)

Mine dottir was taken by the caster, and mine legion met him. She was pried from his blood-scrawls, but some horror did inhabit him instead. Mine legion could not contain, and I ask for a seal, whatever the faith. Price be paid, Scholar.

(The second scroll is vellum with archaic script and phrasing, but the red ink remains somehow wet.)

Of binding a symptom, no vial can contain you.
One of three, separated in prevention.
Unbound, but caged, I must not follow.
Truth will hold you, for that is what truth does.

(The second scroll ends with a crude map and a handprint in red, the little finger severed at the first knuckle.)

The Awiergan Scrolls: Second Aspect

Main article: Codex entry: The Awiergan Scrolls: Second Aspect
See also: The Awiergan Scrolls: Second Aspect

(Two scrolls. The first is a letter bearing the seal of a lesser Orlesian noble house.)

Our line is dead, but still walking. I know not if it is because of the old ways, but my three boys are now something other because of want. If He can be called on, I ask you, Scholar, do so, and the price is paid.

(The second scroll is vellum, with archaic script and phrasing, but the red ink remains somehow wet.)

Of binding a symptom, no vial can contain you.
Two of three, three yourself, asunder.
Caged, but still meddling, you will not goad me.
Truth will hold you, or it is no longer true.

(The second scroll ends with a crude map, and a handprint in red, the little finger severed at the second knuckle.)

The Awiergan Scrolls: Third Aspect

Main article: Codex entry: The Awiergan Scrolls: Third Aspect
See also: The Awiergan Scrolls: Third Aspect

(The first scroll bears Rivaini markings.)

He was our hero against Par Vollen, and we were in awe. Perhaps it was our fault. There was a day when he changed and saw us as servants, not those he offered to serve. And then he was infested. We need a seal, Scholar, in the faith you choose. The price is paid.

(The second scroll is vellum with archaic script and phrasing, but the red ink remains somehow wet.)

Of binding a symptom, no vial can contain you.
Three of three, you perverted a man elevated by others.
I will not yield, even as I must turn to face you.
Truth will hold you, or a new truth we will create.

(The second scroll ends with a crude map and a handprint in red, the little finger severed at the root.)

A Badly Copied Leaflet

Main article: Codex entry: A Badly Copied Leaflet


Fereldan refugees, Qunari soldiers... Who next? Tevinter slavers snatching children out of their beds?


Send a message that Kirkwallers WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS! We must band together to drive foreign waste from our doorstep. Reclaim the Free Marches FOR THE MARCHERS!

If you care about our future, join the Friends of Kirkwall! Reclaim our city!

Bill of Lading

Main article: Codex entry: Bill of Lading

(A note is scrawled on the back of the bill.)

Bill of Lading
Smetty's Fish Guttery
Crate 1023


I'm sure you're losing patience by now, but what is one small trip to the warehouse district after waiting twenty years to get your hands on this gem? Find the crate noted on this bill. Enjoy your search!

Blood Mage Dispatches

Main article: Codex entry: Blood Mage Dispatches
See also: The Last Holdouts, Mage Underground

We narrowly escaped Meredith's hounds. The city just isn't safe, Bancroft. We must get five out through the gates tonight and get to the caves. It's that, or risk capture and interrogation.



The hounds nabbed Franke the Cobbler tonight; no one knows where he is now. Thom Beshcal and his wife were killed three days back. They're no longer just hunting us: they're hunting our friends and family. To the Void with the consequences! We must strike back while we still can.


I can get two out tonight. A guide on the other side will take them to the refuge. Don't pick anyone with a cold; last time, a careless sneeze almost alerted the guard.


Shipping Notice

We can't trust the raiders' promise of passage—the templar's bounty on us is far too tempting. Press on every contact you have! We must leave Kirkwall before the knight-commander does something drastic. Each night, more of our brethren make it to the coast.

If the hounds sniff out your current location, the other site we discussed is clear. Be prepared to leave at a moment's notice.


Captain Reiner's Accounts

Main article: Codex entry: Captain Reiner's Accounts
See also: Wayward Son

- 2 barrels of fish, Viscount's Keep
- 3 barrels of rum, Hanged Man
- 1 male human mage, Danzig (Undercity)
- 25 Rivaini furs, Helton's Clothiers

Capture Gamlen

Main article: Codex entry: Capture Gamlen
See also: Gamlen's Greatest Treasure

Bring Gamlen to the caverns where we first met. If he's not alive, you won't get a single copper.

A Crumpled Note

Main article: Codex entry: A Crumpled Note


I found the Gem of Keroshek. If you want it, come to Darktown. Alone.

Dockside Redirect - Woodrow's Warehouse, East

Main article: Codex entry: Dockside Redirect - Woodrow's Warehouse, East
See also: Finders Keepers

(This document is an order to redirect cargo to Woodrow's Warehouse to the east. It is endorsed with Harbormaster Liam's barely legible signature, along with a note from his assistant, Aden.)

Orlesian Port Authority Seal, here? Suggest we apply the "special" rate for this.

Emeric's Notes

Main article: Codex entry: Emeric's Notes
See also: The First Sacrifice

(Emeric's notes are a messy collection of half-baked thoughts written on scraps of paper. Only one seems to stand out.)

There's something about that Lowtown foundry where Mharen's trail ended. I've got a strange feeling about it.

A Letter from the Circle

Main article: Codex entry: A Letter from the Circle
See also: All That Remains

My dear friend,

I have obtained the books you requested. I'll leave them at our usual hiding spot. Please collect them as soon as possible. I would hate to see them in the wrong hands!

Your last letter was fascinating! You have proven me wrong, once again, by doing the impossible. I shouldn't have doubted your resolve, and I hope you will keep me apprised of further progress.

Your friend and colleague,

Meredith's Apology

Main article: Codex entry: Meredith's Apology
See also: Prime Suspect

Messere DuPuis,

Please accept my humble apologies for recent events. The templar, Emeric, has been reprimanded for his wrongful accusations and for arousing suspicions within the city guard that led to the raid on your estate. I will see that he is restrained in future.

Sincerely yours,
Knight-Commander Meredith

Olivia's Letter to Thrask

Main article: Codex entry: Olivia's Letter to Thrask
See also: Wayward Son, An Errant Letter


I know the sacrifices you've made to conceal my secret, but I am a child no longer. I cannot burden you my whole life, lest my secret destroy us both. I must live my own life as a woman... and as a mage. It is oddly freeing to write the word.

Farewell, Father. I hope one day you make peace between what you have been taught and what you have seen.

All my love,

A Scribbled Note

Main article: Codex entry: A Scribbled Note
See also: All That Remains

Entry 1

Used quicklime to preserve her feet. Unsure whether texture of the skin is to my liking. Will try other methods.

Entry 2

Mharen... it's a pretty name. I saw her hands. Long, slender fingers. Fair skin—the hands of a lifelong scholar. Oh, to lock my own clumsy fingers in hers again...

Entry 3

Today is our anniversary. Had hoped to complete my work before now, but one piece is missing. I'm so sorry, love. Please wait a little longer. I haven't forgotten my promise.

When I see it, I'll know. I would know that face anywhere.

Entry 4

It's close, now. My long wait is almost over.

Am I doing the right thing? It all seemed so clear to me, but now... what have I become? When did this happen? Someone will eventually try to stop me. I've left too many clues for them not to. When they come, should I try to stop them? Maybe the Maker took her from me because I deserved to lose her.

No. It's too late for me to stop, now. The Maker will need to stop me if he thinks I need to be stopped.

No one else.

Ser Alrik's Letter

Main article: Codex entry: Ser Alrik's Letter
See also: Dissent

To Her Excellency, Divine Justinia,

I am well aware both you and Knight-Commander Meredith have rejected my proposal, but I beg you to reconsider. The mages in the Free Marches are past controlling, their numbers have doubled in three years, and they have found a way to plant their abominations in our ranks. They cannot be contained!

The Tranquil Solution is our answer. All mages at the age of majority must be made Tranquil. They'll coexist peacefully, retain their usefulness—a perfect strategy! It's simply the best way to ensure mages obey the laws of men and Maker.

I remain, as always, your obedient servant,
Ser Otto Alrik

Templar Letter

Main article: Codex entry: Templar Letter
See also: Tranquility

Ser Bardel,

I have told you a hundred times not to bother the knight-commander with your pathetic questions. She's a busy woman and has no time to nurse you through your crisis of conscience. You are under my command. If you take issues with my orders, you bring them to me, or I will see you stripped of your knighthood!

The mage Karl is dangerous and we must take steps to deal with him and any friends who are assisting his rebellion. I expect this done by next week. If I must see to it personally, I will also find out exactly why you failed to carry out your sacred duties.

The Maker has given us a divine task, Bardel. We cannot fail Him.

Ser Alrik

A Thank You Note

Main article: Codex entry: A Thank You Note
See also: Prime Suspect


Thank you kindly for your last shipment. It arrived in almost perfect condition. The requested payment is on its way. Please use the artifact with care. The creatures can be difficult to control, even for an experienced mage.

A pleasure doing business,
Your friend

A Torn Note

Main article: Codex entry: A Torn Note

(A torn note found in a conspirator's pocket.)

...will not tell you again: it's not safe to bring new recruits to our meetings. Meredith has eyes everywhere. Bring anyone who claims to be against her to Gardibali's Warehouse at night. We must ensure their loyalty, lest Meredith discover us before we are ready to confront her...

A Reply from Starkhaven

Main article: Codex entry: A Reply from Starkhaven
See also: Prime Suspect

Messere DuPuis,

This is in regards to your inquiry into missing mages. I would like to remind you that the duty of seeking out missing mages, if there were any to begin with, would fall to the templars of Starkhaven, not a minor nobleman from Kirkwall.

I would also like to take this opportunity to remind you that the Circle of the Magi, as a whole, does not welcome casual inquiries about the mages in its care.

Thank you,
First Enchanter Raddick

Wallop Mallet

Main article: Codex entry: Wallop Mallet


This gem is very pretty, I can understand your obsession with it. Remember the game, wallop? Find the place your wallop mallet came from. Your answers are there.

The Exiled Prince[]


Main article: Codex entry: Duty

To whomever elects to participate in the charitable deed of assisting the Vael family of Starkhaven

His most worthy highness, Prince Sebastian Vael, has provided instructions for anyone brave and noble enough to attempt eradication of the rabble who dared attack his family. Three groups of Flint Company mercenaries have been sighted in the Kirkwall vicinity.

* One group makes camp not far from the elves of the Sundermount mountain range.
* The second has been seeking information on the Docks after nightfall.
* The third is far from the main road off the Wounded Coast; they are believed to have a small campsite well past any known landmarks.

A princely award awaits whoever finds and defeats all these rogues.

May the Maker guide you.

Chanter Taletha

Flora Harimann's Diary

Main article: Codex entry: Flora Harimann's Diary
See also: Flora Harimann

First Day of Harvestmere

Mother finally began her expansion to the estate today. She brought in two dozen men from the Imperium who I'm sure were slaves, and they've been excavating the hillside behind the house. The dirt is awful. And the noise! Must they shatter every rock in Kirkwall? It's been quiet since lunch, though, and Mother is behaving very strangely. She's now talking about stopping the expansion—just like that, with no explanation. She never tells me anything...

Tenth Day of Harvestmere

Father is behaving so oddly. Today he pinched my buttocks! Just reached around the table and... I can't imagine what would make him do such a thing. And to the servant girls, as well! Some of the things he says would truly make a sailor blush. I told the maids to lock up the wine, but it hasn't made any difference so far. I'm going to the chantry tonight to pray for him.

Eleventh Day of Harvestmere

What can be happening? First Father, now Brett. I can't talk to either of them anymore. I don't know what they're drinking, but they are lost in their own little worlds. And Mother doesn't care; should she even be here, all she talks about is Starkhaven and marrying me off to that idiot Goran Vael. What madness has come over this place?


A Change of Course

Main article: Codex entry: A Change of Course

I was wrong. We cannot control the creature Corypheus. Even our most powerful mages hold no influence with him. In truth, it is they who have been most vulnerable.

A dozen times, those assigned to guard or study the creature have sought the key to free him. When they are removed to a safe distance, they remember little. They speak of a voice in their minds, a calling like that of the Old Gods, but it wanes outside Corypheus's presence.

Darkspawn have attacked as well, seeking him. I can only assume they are summoned the same way. Somehow, his magic lets him speak through the blight itself, affecting any who bear its taint.

This same power stays the hand of any Warden who approaches to kill him. I must recommend that we seal this prison over and conceal its very existence. Corypheus must not be allowed to go free.

—From Warden-Commander Daneken to the First Warden in Weisshaupt, 1014 TE

The Great One's Key

Main article: Codex entry: The Great One's Key
See also: Item: The Hawke's Key

The Wardens did not guard the key with care. It was left in a repository, with objects of little worth. Trinkets. Dusty Grey Warden trophies. Not even a guard posted. Fools. If only they knew what they had, and had lost.

It will not wake at my touch; it sleeps and its power remains within. The Great One says it requires Malcolm Hawke's blood to awaken it. Only then can its powers set him free.

I will find the heir to the blood and the Great One will reward me. Yes. Let it be soon.

—From the journal of Rhatigan, leader of the Carta in Kirkwall

Larius's Final Missive

Main article: Codex entry: Larius's Final Missive

My dearest brothers and sisters,

I am leaving to take that last long walk into the deep. I have been a Grey Warden for a full thirty years, and the Joining can only hold back the taint for so long.

These last months, the song of the Archdemons has become not a whisper to me, but a terrible roaring that I cannot endure. My conscience compels me to leave before the corruption becomes too much, before the madness takes over.

It has been my honor serving with every single one of you. I go to the Deep Roads to meet my death in combat against our eternal foe. When my brothers in Orzammar salute my departure, I will walk proudly in my duty, and joyful in the knowledge that my burden will soon be lifted.

Remember me, and do not fear your own Calling, when the time comes.

Larius, Commander of the Grey

First Legionnaire's Journal

Main article: Codex entry: First Legionnaire's Journal
See also: The Paragon's Heir, House Tethras

It's ironic. Hearing of Tethras Garen's crime first gave me the courage to confess my own and join the Legion of the Dead. Knowing that a Paragon's son could give in to the same base passions as a mere merchant, commit a murder even fouler than mine...

Yet he was sentenced to die in the Deep Roads for murdering his sister, not even offered the chance at the Legion. I am grateful every day for what the Legion gave me: a family, a purpose, and my name is clear.

So when the Paragon learned that the Carta were responsible for the murder, not his son, I was the first to volunteer to retrieve the prince. It's not right that he should be the only one who doesn't know he's been exonerated.

—From the journal of Malev Haran, Legion of the Dead

Second Legionnaire's Journal

Main article: Codex entry: Second Legionnaire's Journal
See also: The Paragon's Heir, House Tethras

Paragon Garen refuses to give up. We're the eighth Legion unit he's sent after Tethras in the past five years. None dare tell him that after so long alone in the Deep Roads, Tethras is certainly dead. The Paragon insists he will see his heir restored to his rightful place. May the ancestors favor his cause.

We've followed the paths of the other Legionnaires, and so far, we seem to be on the right trail. We're in a section of the Deep Roads that appears to have been altered by human magic, so perhaps we'll find some new clue here. We're going in tomorrow. Ancestors be with us.

—From the journal of Karles Aratack, Legion of the Dead

Third Legionnaire's Journal

Main article: Codex entry: Third Legionnaire's Journal
See also: The Paragon's Heir, House Tethras

This place is cursed. For ten years, Paragon Garen has been sending Legionnaires to search out our lost heir. Now I know what's become of them.

There's no way out. This is no normal part of the Deep Roads. There's lyrium worked into the walls, into the Stone itself, some kind of human magic. From the outside, it looks like just another tunnel, but walk in and it's a prison. There is no way past the barriers, no way forward, no way back. But the trap remains open to every beast, darkspawn, and dwarf that wanders in.

My brothers in the Legion have died, and I have done my best to lay their spirits to rest in the Stone. I am the last. There will be no one to do the same for me, or for Tethras, if he too was snared by this noose. For you, my prince, I wish you the Stone's blessing. Atrast tunsha. Totarnia amgetol tavash aeduc.

May someone recite the ritual words over your bones and return your spirit to the Stone.

—From the journal of Bashath Garen, Legion of the Dead

A Letter to Gerav

Main article: Codex entry: A Letter to Gerav

My dear Gerav,

A little bird told me you were spotted near Kirkwall. Come by the Hanged Man sometime and show me the new self-loading chambers you were working on for our little girl. Bianca's missed you, and I think she might need a tune-up.

Your friend,
Varric Tethras

Locks within Locks

Main article: Codex entry: Locks within Locks

The Wardens set a trap for Corypheus and bound him in a prison of their own making. Beneath the Free Marches, they carved out a series of caverns—a veritable maze—and enchanted them. Wards within wards, locks within locks, spells woven with the help of a powerful artifact they called "the key." All this to hold Corypheus.

It seems that even that wasn't enough. Warden-Commander Riannon writes in her private journals:

"Corypheus is too powerful. Nothing will hold him forever. The seals are already weakening. We must find a way to fortify them, and soon."

—From Janeka's research notes

Malcolm Hawke's Reply

Main article: Codex entry: Malcolm Hawke's Reply

Warden-Commander Larius:

I have been considering your offer, and I accept your terms. In addition to what was discussed, I find a payment of twenty-five sovereigns per seal to be sufficient. All I require from you is your promise that my wife will be kept safe while I am gone, and that Lord Aristide Amell will be convinced to let Leandra leave Kirkwall with me when I return. I wish for my bride and I to be free, and I do not intend to have her father's men hunting us down.

Before we depart I would also like to confirm your statement that the ritual does not require contact with demonic influences. I would also like to discuss this "darkspawn of magical talents" in greater detail. It quite defies belief that the Grey Wardens have kept a secret of this magnitude buried so close to Kirkwall.

I await your reply.

Malcolm Hawke

Praise Corypheus!

Main article: Codex entry: Praise Corypheus!
See also: Character: Corypheus

Like many of you, I was once a thieving wretch. I was a servant to coin and my own base desires. And that is when I heard his call. Corypheus opened my eyes, just as he has opened yours, and showed me what was true.

What is the Carta beside Corypheus? Nothing but dust and ashes. Only Corypheus is eternal. We are his hands and his eyes on the surface. We are the ones he honoured with his trust, to dig him from his prison in the Deep Roads.

When Corypheus steps into the sunlight, we will be rewarded. Praise him! Praise Corypheus!

—From a scrap of parchment, evidently notes for a speech

Privileged to the Wardens

Main article: Codex entry: Privileged to the Wardens
See also: Dumat

All we hear is that this is one of the great Grey Warden secrets. "It must be protected at all costs." As usual, we're most concerned with deceiving our own people. But why hide that the Deep Roads were shaped not only by the dwarves but also by us?

I found records dating back to 1004 TE, the wake of the First Blight. Early Wardens discovered that some darkspawn could think and speak and commanded portions of the horde even after the Archdemon's death. A few could wield magic with the skill of a Tevinter magister, and the Wardens greatly feared them.

It was here, in the Vimmark Mountains, that Warden Sashamiri set her trap to capture and study the greatest of these creatures, the one whom they called Corypheus.

—From Janeka's research notes

Scout's Report

Main article: Codex entry: Scout's Report

My team was sent to evaluate the fortified structures that overlook the northern caravan routes in the Vimmark Mountains. The viscount's library suggests the buildings were part of an ancient Grey Warden fortress, constructed to guard the pass but abandoned after the Free Marches gained independence from Tevinter.

Our examination revealed construction that is remarkably sturdy for its age. The fortress's foundations reach deeper into the rock than expected. Two levels below the surface, we discovered a series of twisting, underground passages, chiseled out of the mountain itself. I commanded the men to set up camp there.

Not an hour later, one of the newer men reported voices from the depths. He flew into a frenzy, demanding that we leave immediately. Those unused to tight spaces often display such hysteria. Thankfully, I was able to calm him before his raving affected the rest of the team.

But he was gone this morning. Tracks lead deeper into the caverns. We shall follow him.

— From a scout's report, apparently quite old

Speculations on Kirkwall

Main article: Codex entry: Speculations on Kirkwall

The records say Corypheus has been trapped below the Vimmarks since the days of the Tevinter Imperium. Can it be a coincidence that the darkspawn besiege this area more fiercely than anywhere else on the surface of Thedas? Or that Kirkwall, the closest city, suffers from endless plagues of violence, lunacy, human sacrifice, and blood magic?

If one studies Kirkwall's public records, it becomes hard to deny that some malevolent force has long shaped its history. Could a darkspawn, even a powerful mage, have such influence even as it slumbers?

—From a weathered journal bearing the Grey Wardens' seal

To Capture the Hawke

Main article: Codex entry: To Capture the Hawke
See also: Character: Rhatigan
Before the expedition to the Deep Roads...

Small hovel in Lowtown, owner one Gamlen Amell. Take the youngest two, but do not harm them. The blood of Malcolm Hawke must remain pure. Do as you wish with the old man and woman. They are of no consequence.

If Hawke's sibling died in the Deep Roads...

You will find Malcolm Hawke's heir in Hightown. By the grand stairs to the keep. The home will be well-defended, but do not spill Hawke's blood. Use the poison if capture proves difficult. If you have to kill anyone else, do it quietly.

And don't go near the young dwarf. He sees things.

If Carver became a Templar...

We have found Carver Hawke in the templar barracks. Take him from there intact and unharmed. The blood of Malcolm Hawke must remain pure. Kill the others if you must. The Great One will reward you richly for your service.

If Carver became a Grey Warden...

We have learned Carver Hawke is with the Grey Wardens. Search all of the Free Marches if you must, but find him. Kill whoever gets in your way, but make sure the boy is unharmed. The blood of Malcolm Hawke must remain pure. The Great One demands this of you.

If Bethany became a Circle Mage...

We have tracked Bethany Hawke to the Gallows, where the mages are housed. Bring her intact and unharmed. The blood of Malcolm Hawke must remain pure. If someone gets in your way, kill them, but do it quietly. The Great One will reward you richly for your service.

If Bethany became a Grey Warden...

We have learned Bethany Hawke is with the Grey Wardens. Search all of the Free Marches if you must, but find her. Kill whoever gets in your way, but make sure the girl is unharmed. The blood of Malcolm Hawke must remain pure. The Great One demands this of you.

—In the name of the Master, Corypheus. May he see sunlight again.

An Unusual Discovery

Main article: Codex entry: An Unusual Discovery

The creature can speak. It has a name, Corypheus. We have encountered darkspawn before who use words, but none individual enough to have chosen a name. This Corypheus appears unique among darkspawn, and has gathered many of its brethren to follow it.

It would be wasteful to kill such a creature. If it can be captured, tamed somehow, its unnatural influence over the darkspawn could perhaps be turned to our favor. It is clear the darkspawn will never bow to human commands, but this Corypheus seems at times more human than beast. I have conversed with it, and though its thoughts are disordered and inhuman, it speaks of the Old Gods by their Tevinter names. I have wondered if perhaps he is no darkspawn at all, but a ghoul, so corrupted by the taint as to have become a new creature entirely.

I recommend we find a way to capture Corypheus, hold it somewhere safe from both men and darkspawn, and study its unique nature. This will require magic, however, for Corypheus's own abilities are powerful. It uses spells both human and tainted, and has a strength that would shame any magister. We must muster our best mages to face it and to hold it.

—From Warden-Commander Farele to the First Warden in Weisshaupt, 1004 TE

A Strange Sighting

Main article: Codex entry: A Strange Sighting
If Hawke sided with Larius...

Yesterday, I saw a man I could swear was Larius, just walking around Lowtown. I wasn't sure at first, but that armor, that hair... he's unmistakable.

He was talking to Samson, of all people. I can't imagine what a Grey Warden commander and an ex-templar vagrant have in common, but they seemed intent in their discussion. When I came closer, Larius pulled Samson into a doorway—I don't know if he saw me or not, but it seemed almost like they were avoiding me.

Entry continues here if Anders accompanied Hawke:
Anders says that no one as far gone to the taint as Larius would ever have been reinstated by the Grey Wardens. Even without Corypheus, Larius will be plagued by the calls of the Archdemons until they drive him mad.

Entry continues here if neither Carver nor Bethany became a Grey Warden:
I tried to contact the Grey Wardens, to find out why they let him return to Kirkwall, but they weren't talking. They won't acknowledge a Warden named Janeka, a prison in the Vimmarks, a captive darkspawn magister, or ever having worked with Father.

They didn't even want to hear what Corypheus claimed to be—I'm certain they know something about what happened down there, but whatever it is, they're not sharing.

From the diary of Hawke

Entry continues here if Carver became a Grey Warden:
I tried to contact Carver, but the Grey Wardens wouldn't let me speak to him. The Warden I talked to wouldn't acknowledge a Warden named Janeka, a prison in the Vimmarks, a captive darkspawn magister, or ever having worked with Father.

She didn't even want to hear what Corypheus claimed to be—I'm certain the Wardens know something about what happened down there, but whatever it is, they're not sharing.

From the diary of Hawke

Entry continues here if Bethany became a Grey Warden:
I tried to contact Bethany, but the Grey Wardens wouldn't let me speak to her. The Warden I talked to wouldn't acknowledge a Warden named Janeka, a prison in the Vimmarks, a captive darkspawn magister, or ever having worked with Father.

He didn't even want to hear what Corypheus claimed to be—I'm certain the Wardens know something about what happened down there, but whatever it is, they're not sharing.

From the diary of Hawke

If Hawke sided with Janeka...

Yesterday, I saw a woman I swear was Janeka, skulking around Lowtown. She had told me that as soon as she reported what happened to Corypheus, she would go on her Calling and die in the Deep Roads, but I'm positive she was the woman I saw talking with Samson.

And that is also odd—what does a Grey Warden have in common with an ex-templar vagrant? When they saw me coming, they left. They were definitely avoiding me.

Entry continues here if Anders accompanied Hawke:
Anders says that after what Janeka did, the Grey Wardens would have escorted her to the Deep Roads to begin her Calling, just to make sure she didn't change her mind.

Entry continues here if neither Carver nor Bethany became a Grey Warden:
But when I contacted the Wardens to ask about Janeka, they said their only member of that name died some time ago. They won't acknowledge having had a commander named Larius, a prison in the Vimmarks, a captive darkspawn magister, or ever having worked with Father.

They didn't even want to hear what Corypheus claimed to be—I'm certain they know something about what happened down there, but whatever it is, they're not sharing.

From the diary of Hawke

Entry continues here if Carver became a Grey Warden:
But when I tried to ask Carver about Janeka, the Wardens wouldn't let me speak to him. The Warden I talked to wouldn't acknowledge having had a commander named Larius, a prison in the Vimmarks, a captive darkspawn magister, or ever having worked with Father.

She didn't even want to hear what Corypheus claimed to be—I'm certain the Wardens know something about what happened down there, but whatever it is, they're not sharing.

From the diary of Hawke

Entry continues here if Bethany became a Grey Warden:
But when I tried to ask Bethany about Janeka, the Wardens wouldn't let me speak to her. The Warden I talked to wouldn't acknowledge having had a commander named Larius, a prison in the Vimmarks, a captive darkspawn magister, or ever having worked with Father.

He didn't even want to hear what Corypheus claimed to be—I'm certain the Wardens know something about what happened down there, but whatever it is, they're not sharing.

From the diary of Hawke

Mark of the Assassin[]

Thoughts on Tallis

Main article: Codex entry: Thoughts on Tallis

It's been over a year now since I met Tallis, and she hasn't resurfaced so far.

Or has she? I spotted a red-headed elf in the market just the other day, and there was something familiar in the way she moved, despite the servant's clothing and all the Orlesian braiding. I tried to get a closer look, but she disappeared into the crowd.

If it was her, I've no clue what she's up to. Tallis spoke of Qunari spies throughout Thedas... doing what, I wonder? Just providing information to the Qunari, or something more sinister?

Unsurprisingly, mentioning the spies to those in power has earned only disbelief or indifference. Those who bothered to consider the possibility weren't certain what could be done. They appeared unwilling to admit that the Qunari might be inclined towards subterfuge. Too dangerous a foe, if so.

If the main quest Heart of the Many is completed before Demands of the Qun:
You'd think this would merit attention, considering that several hundred Qunari warriors are camped in Kirkwall's docks. Perhaps people don't want to think about that too closely. Either way, I doubt this is the last I've heard of Tallis. She'll show up again one day. That's just the way things work out.

If Heart of the Many is completed after Demands of the Qun:
You'd think that after what happened in Kirkwall, it wouldn't be such a shock. Regardless, I doubt this is the last we've heard from the Qunari... or from Tallis. She'll show up again one day. That's just the way things work out.

—From the diary of Hawke

An Unsigned Note

Main article: Codex entry: An Unsigned Note


Someone has to clean up what's left of Edge. The squirrely little dwarf made a mess when we questioned him, but we got what we needed.

If Hawke worked for Meeran to access Kirkwall...

Hawke will be in the Hightown market tonight. Be sure to deliver the best regards of Lord Friedrich's family.

If Hawke worked for Athenril instead...

Hawke will be in the Hightown market tonight. Be sure to deliver the Cavril family's best regards.

The Wine of Chateau Haine

Main article: Codex entry: The Wine of Chateau Haine

Don't you wish you could've been invited to the duke's party? Oh, everything is so splendid here and so Orlesian! The decorations, the company, the food! And just thinking about the wine sends me into a giddy fit.

The duke spares no expense, truly! I hear he has it brought in from Val Chevin, just for these parties. He has whole crews of thick, simple-minded Fereldans to carry his barrels of wine up the mountain. And they're too stupid to know that what they carry is worth more than what they earn in a year.

It's so funny. Fifi and I actually saw the laborers. One rolled down the mountain and crashed to the bottom. It was such a shame. I almost died seeing all that gorgeous red seeping into the ground. Or maybe that was from the laborer. Well, whatever.

—Excerpt from a letter written by Babette de Launcet to her brother, Emile
