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Dragon Age Wiki
This article is about the temporary companion in Dragon Age: Origins. For the organization, see Circle of Magi.

The Circle Mage is a mage sent by the Fereldan Circle of Magi to assist King Cailan's army against the darkspawn horde on the eve of the Fifth Blight. He is a possible temporary companion to the Warden during the Battle of Ostagar.


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Dragon Age: Origins.

As the battle begins, the Tower of Ishal is overrun by darkspawn coming up from the ground via tunnels underneath the tower. If the Warden is a warrior or a rogue the Circle Mage will join the Warden's party along with the Tower Guard (if not of Human Noble Origin) in order to assist them with reaching the top of the tower and lighting the beacon. If the Warden is of Magi Origin however, Soldier will join the party instead.

Once this is done, darkspawn soon overrun their position, however Flemeth in a giant bird form saves the Warden and Alistair. Since the Circle Mage wasn't saved by Flemeth it can be presumed that he was overrun and killed by the darkspawn. However in the event he did not join the Warden's party, his fate remains unknown.

Initial Statistics


Combat Training Combat Training Combat Tactics Combat Tactics


Arcane Arcane Bolt Arcane BoltArcane Shield Arcane Shield
Primal Flame Blast Flame BlastFlaming Weapons Flaming WeaponsLightning Lightning
Entropy Weakness WeaknessParalyze Paralyze


Weapons Magic Staff Magic Staff
Armor Mage Robes Mage Robes
Note: Anything worn by Circle Mage will be lost at the conclusion of the quest. If you wish to keep his equipment or any other extra items you equipped him with, unequip them before you light the beacon.

