“I once dreamed of seeing places like this.”
Cillian is a player-controlled protagonist in Dragon Age: Inquisition's multiplayer.
Cillian was a child of the Ralaferin clan, like his clan mate Neria. When his magical abilities surfaced, he began training as Keeper Elindra's apprentice and was intended to be her First. But the tales of an ancient order of mystical warriors who turned their magic inward fascinated Cillian, and what he learned from Elindra could not satisfy his curiosity.
As a young man, Cillian decided that he would pursue the way of the arcane warrior. He asked Elindra's blessing to leave to seek his own path. She assented knowing his heart was not in becoming Keeper, and Cillian left his clan, traveling far into the wilderness, seeking out knowledge of the arcane warriors. He explored ruin after ruin until he came across an ancient elven shrine, where he says the secrets of the ancient order were kept. Cillian remained in the shrine for years, meditating, dedicating his mind, body, and soul to the practice of the art form.
Originally driven by the need to seek glory for his people, Cillian's years of meditation and solitude gave him wisdom and respect for all life. When The Breach opened, he knew his duty was to stand against it, fighting to save all he knows and loves.
Cillian is described as peaceful and laughs little by the Katari.
Cillian is involved in only one war table operation but can sometimes be seen on Skyhold's battlements, with two other agents, near Cullen's office, though he cannot be spoken to.
- Investigate the Elven Glyphs (war table)
Initial equipment[]
Combat Clarity |
Passive Requires: Spirit Blade |
The chaos of combat frightens some, but for you, its a comfortable rhythm. Your mana regenerates faster when you're near hostile enemies. Mana Regeneration: 50% if enemy within 5 meters Constitution +3 |
Spirit Blade |
Active Activation: 10 Mana |
You create a blade of solid magic to make melee attacks against nearby enemies. Dealing damage with other abilities charges the blade. Attacking expends this charge to deal additional damage. Spirit Damage: 150% weapon damage Bonus: 100% against Barrier and 100% against Guard |
Deals 200% weapon damage and costs 5 mana in multiplayer
Defending Blade Upgrade Requires: Spirit Blade |
You deflect incoming projectiles with Spirit Blade, sending a shockwave of energy back at the attacker. Defending Blade enhances Spirit Blade, reflecting projectiles back at your attackers in the form of shockwaves. |
Force of Will |
Passive | Your armor is increased. Armor Bonus 20% Constitution +3 |
Guardian Spirit |
Passive Cooldown: 60s |
A protective barrier springs into place around you automatically when you are badly injured. Barrier: 100% when at low health Constitution +3 |
Fade Shield |
Passive Requires: Combat Clarity |
You draw back the energy released by your enemies in your attacks against them. Any successful attack strengthens your barrier. The more damage you do, the more powerful your barrier grows. Barrier: 30% of damage dealt Magic +3 |
Psychic Backlash |
Passive | Enemies that hit you with a melee attack have a chance to be stunned for a short time. Stun Chance: 5% Stun Duration: 2 seconds Constitution + 3 |
Spell Sword |
Passive Duration: 6s |
You gain bonus armor for a short time after striking with spirit blade. Armor Bonus: 10% Magic on +3 |
Gathering Storm |
Passive | You use your staff's energy to fill the area with sympathetic magic. Each basic attack shortens your active cooldown times. Cooldown Reduction: 0.5 seconds Magic +3 |
Composed |
Passive | Long years of meditation have given the arcane warrior an unshakeable calm, even in the face of certain death. Magic +2 Willpower +5 Constitution +2 |
Mind Blast |
Activated Size: 5m Activation: 20 mana Cooldown: 8s |
You send enemies staggering with an explosion of willpower that drives them back and makes them less likely to target you again. |
Fortifying Blast Upgrade |
Each time you strike with Mind Bast increases your protective barrier as you turn their pain into your power. Barrier: 10% |
Mind over Matter |
Passive | You are immune to flanking from enemies and have less chance of being staggered when hit from the front. Constitution +3 |
Dispel |
Activated Size: 5m Activation: 35 mana Cooldown: 8s |
You remove hostile magic and status effects from allies while stripping beneficial effects from enemies. |
Transmute Magic Upgrade |
Dispelling magic and status effects increases your owns spells' damage and barrier generation for a brief duration. Barrier: 50% Damage Bonus: 25% Duration 10s |
Phasing |
Passive | You have a chance to phase away from enemy attacks, taking no damage. Chance to Activate: 5% Magic + 3 |
Strength of Spirits |
Passive | Your barriers draw on the magic of the fade to absorb more energy before depleting. Barrier Bonus: 50% |
Peaceful Aura |
Passive | Your aura of tranquillity makes enemies less likely to attack you in battle, even when you damage them. Threat Reduction: 50% Willpower +3 |
Conductive Current |
Passive | The more magical energy you expend, the more damage your spells do. Damage Bonus: 5% for every 10% missing mana Magic +3 |
Flashfire |
Activation: 65 mana Duration: 8s Cooldown: 20s |
You ignite an enemy in searing pain and send them fleeing in panic. |
Deals 400% weapon damage and costs 50 mana in multiplayer
Blistering Pain Upgrade |
Flashfire burns brighter and hotter, intensifying the panic the enemy suffers. Fear duration bonus: 8 Seconds |
Blinding Terror |
Passive Requires: Horror |
You have learned to leave enemies vulnerable in their terror. Enemies that are panicked take increased damage from all attacks. Damage Bonus vs. Panicked: 15% Magic +3 |
50% bonus damage in multiplayer
Chain Lightning |
Size: 5m Activation: 50 mana Cooldown: 8s |
You unleash a blast of lightning that shocks one target and arcs to nearby others. |
Arcing Surge Upgrade |
Chain lighting arcs farther and hits more targets. Distance Bonus: 4 meters Additional Hits: 2 |
Fade Step |
Activated Duration: 2s Cooldown: 12s |
You let invisible waves of magic carry you forward, blurring ahead a short distance. |
Frost Step Upgrade |
Passing through enemies hurts them and leaves them chilled. Ice damage: 300% weapon damage Chill duration: 8 Seconds |
Rejuvenating Barrier |
Passive | When you or your allies have an active barrier, the beneficial energy invigorates them and helps the recover mana or stamina more quickly. Mana Regeneration: 35% Constitution + 3 |
Fade Cloak |
Active Activation: 20 Mana Cooldown: 12s Requires: Spirit Blade |
You surround yourself with the magic of the Veil itself. You are briefly invulnerable and can pass through enemies unharmed. Briefly invulnerable and can pass through enemies unharmed. |
Decloaking Blast Upgrade Requires: Fade Cloak |
If you rematerialize inside an enemy, the foe is blasted back with massive force. Spirit Damage: 1,000% weapon damage |
Deals 800% weapon damage in multiplayer
Smothering Veil |
Passive Requires: Restorative Veil |
Weakened enemies have the damage they inflict reduced even further. Damage Reduction: 30% Willpower +3 |
Disturbance of Spirit |
Passive | Your offensive spells have a chance to weaken your enemies. Weaken Chance: 5% Weaken Duration: 6 seconds Willpower + 3 |
Twisting Veil |
Passive Requires: Encircling Veil |
You catch stray magic around weakened enemies and use it to increase the damage of your own attacks. Damage Bonus vs. Weakened: 15% Magic +3 |
Veilstrike |
Active Activation: 35 Mana Cooldown: 24s |
You recreate your own fist from the essence of the Fade and smash nearby foes to the ground. Area of Effect: 5 Meters |
Punching Down Upgrade Requires: Veilstrike |
You cast Veilstrike more easily, and the blow weakens your enemies, causing them to do less damage. Cost Reduction: 15 mana Weakened Duration: 10 seconds |
Encircling Veil |
Passive Requires: Stonefist |
You use stray magic around weakened enemies to increase the power of status effects on them. Duration Bonus vs. Weakened: 25% Magic +3 |
Stonefist |
Upgrade Activation: 50 Mana Cooldown: 8s |
You summon a boulder from the Fade and smash it into your target, sending them flying. Spirit Damage: 500% weapon damage |
Shatterstone Upgrade Requires: Stonefist |
The boulder summoned by Stonefist now explodes on impact, weakening and staggering nearby enemies. Area of Effect 4 meters Weakened Duration: 10 Seconds |
Stormbringer |
Passive Cooldown: 15s |
The storm comes to your aid even without your calling it. When you are in combat, lightning will periodically strike a random nearby target. Electric Damage: 300% weapon damage Magic + 3 |
Restorative Veil |
Passive Requires: Veilstrike |
You pull stray magic from around weakened enemies to regain mana based on the damage you do to them. Mana Recovery: 10% Magic +3 |
Static Charge |
Passive | You sheathe yourself in lightning while casting spells. Enemies that attempt to interrupt your casting with attacks are struck by arcs that leave them paralyzed. Electric Damage: 100% weapon damage Constitution + 3 |
Pull of the Abyss |
Active Size: 6m Activation: 65 Mana Duration: 12s Cooldown: 32s Requires: Smothering Veil or Twisting Veil |
You create a tiny rift that pulls enemies toward a central point. |
Shaken Veil Upgrade Requires: Pull of the Abyss |
You can cast Pull of the Abyss more often, and enemies caught in its effect are weakened. Cooldown Reduction: 8 seconds Weakened Duration: 10 seconds |
- Main article: Cillian/Dialogue
- "I am as the sea. Who can stand against the tide?"