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“Honor does not preclude tactics, and glory is not won through foolishness.”

The chevaliers are an elite military Orlesian organization. Only nobles can serve in their ranks. They are addressed as either Chevalier or Dame.


Many of the nobility in Orlais are members of its famous/infamous knightly order, the chevaliers. Joining the chevaliers is a good way to improve social standing, a useful path for lesser, landless nobles and noble children not in line to inherit. The chevaliers include both men and women, although women are not often encouraged to take up arms. Those who do follow in the footsteps of the first female knight, Aveline. They are often posted as the Champion of the Emperor or Empress of Orlais.

The legendary training of the chevaliers at the Academie des Chevaliers in Val Royeaux is harsh, instilling in its knights a fierce discipline and code of honor that surpasses even value in their own lives. The chevaliers are said to be fearless and their loyalty to the empire absolute. The penalty for dishonor is death, something a chevalier should welcome if they have failed the order.

Chevaliers hold absolute power over those of commoner rank. The brutality of certain members of the chevaliers is infamous, and considering that the knighthood is above legal reproach, the lower Orlesian classes fear the knighthood as much as those of higher standing adore it. Indeed, chevalier privilege often leads to abuses against the common classes. The poor and powerless must tread carefully in the wake of such license or risk great danger to themselves and their loved ones.[1]

One of the main predecessors of the chevaliers was the Empress' Arm, an elite guard created by Empress Jeaneve I.[2]


Chevalier training is brutal and effective, and involves relentless training and honing of one's strength and skill. In addition to the history of the order, students learn proper form and breath control, and how to exercise their muscles to keep them limber as well as ascertain strength in a wounded limb, keep limbs from going numb from being bound, and even fight off the effects of magic or drugs.[3] Chevaliers are also taught to identify different types of pain, by way of determining life-threatening injuries.[4] Chevaliers began training from a very young age. Gaspard de Chalons[5] and Michel de Chevin began their instruction when they were only thirteen years old.[6]

Exercises at the Academie include fully-armored endurance training such as tree-climbing followed by melee training with weighted weapons. [7] One of their most grueling tests of skill includes sparring with moving, bladed pells. Students also learn horsemanship and how to care for their warhorses.[8]

Melee training provides a student with tremendous prowess in light and heavy armors and in all forms of melee and horse combat, including two-hander weapons and sword-and-shield, and the use of a longsword and shortsword or dagger in tandem as well.[8] Additionally, though chevaliers prefer to fight in armor, they are quite capable and resourceful without it, as well as against opponents – like the lightly armed duelists of Rivain and Antiva – who may eschew armor all together.[9] Additionally, chevaliers also learn some of how templars battle mages, how Grey Wardens combat darkspawn, and how to slay the undead.[10]

Honor is paramount to a chevalier, to the point that one may defend the life of a hated foe to prevent their dishonorable death. Torture of an opponent, or condoning torture, is also prohibited.[11] It does not, however, preclude tactics and a certain opportunism.[12] Indeed, a chevalier will likely make note of an any defects or nicks in an opponent's weapons or armor and seek to exploit them.[13]


The on-foot fighting style of the chevalier is tailored to the situation, and involves a multitude of forms given the enemy and type of weapon at hand. A few include:

  • Duelist Catches an Apple-the chevalier unsheathes a sword for a quick strike[14]
  • Second Shield-the chevalier takes an opponent as a shield and skewers multiple enemies at once[14]
  • Bear Mauls the Wolves-a move to be employed when outnumbered; properly done with a weapon in both hands[14]
  • Wolves Take the Bear-a team effort against a larger opponent, with quick strikes and withdrawals[15]
  • Spear-fisher-a defensive position to conserve strength or else to face an intimidating opponent[16]
  • Testing the Blade-a series of stretches to identify sore muscles and ligaments that the chevalier's tolerance of pain has already dismissed[17]


Duels are extremely serious affairs for chevaliers. A test of skill to the death is often used to settle arguments or provide "satisfaction" to a party's sullied honor in public situations.[18] It is considered a serious breach of conduct for a chevalier to use magic to augment their abilities, especially when participating in a duel. Despite this, the practice of using enchanted masks was commonplace among chevaliers for a time. Masks could not be easily checked for magical enchantments, as people of worth could not be forced to remove their mask unwillingly, and so the risk of discovery was low. However, the practice was revealed to the public and banned in 8:10 Blessed.[19]

Traditionally, chevaliers salute one another with the phrase "Death before dishonor" before they begin fighting.[20]

Notable chevaliers[]

BioWare canon
The following information is only mentioned in Dragon Age Tabletop. Certain portions of this media may no longer reflect currently established lore.

  • Ser Blaen – former chevalier; later regained influence through a Lyrium smuggling operation with the Carta
  • Ser Forsard Malecot[35][36]

Codex entries[]

Codex entry: Archers Codex entry: Archers
Codex entry: Armor of the Fallen Codex entry: Armor of the Fallen
Codex entry: Arms of the River Dane Codex entry: Arms of the River Dane
Codex entry: Aveline, Knight of Orlais Codex entry: Aveline, Knight of Orlais
Codex entry: Aveline Vallen Codex entry: Aveline Vallen
Codex entry: Blackwall Codex entry: Blackwall
Codex entry: Caer Bronach Codex entry: Caer Bronach
Codex entry: Cailan's Documents - Page 1 of 3 Codex entry: Cailan's Documents - Page 1 of 3
Codex entry: Chateau Haine Codex entry: Chateau Haine
Codex entry: The Chevaliers Codex entry: The Chevaliers
Codex entry: Duke Prosper de Montfort Codex entry: Duke Prosper de Montfort
Codex entry: Emperor Florian Codex entry: Emperor Florian
Codex entry: The Empress's Point Codex entry: The Empress's Point
Codex entry: A Faded Letter Codex entry: A Faded Letter
Codex entry: The Free Marches Codex entry: The Free Marches
Codex entry: Guardsman Codex entry: Guardsman
Codex entry: Gurgut Codex entry: Gurgut
Codex entry: History of Ferelden: Chapter 2 Codex entry: History of Ferelden: Chapter 2
Codex entry: History of Kirkwall: Chapter 3 Codex entry: History of Kirkwall: Chapter 3
Codex entry: A Horsemaster's Notes on Mounts Codex entry: A Horsemaster's Notes on Mounts (On the "Bog Unicorn")
Codex entry: Illustrated Periodical Codex entry: Illustrated Periodical
Codex entry: Mad Emperor Reville Codex entry: Mad Emperor Reville
Codex entry: Mage Codex entry: Mage
Codex entry: Nevarra Codex entry: Nevarra
Codex entry: The Noble Families of Ferelden Codex entry: The Noble Families of Ferelden
Codex entry: Orlesian Caprice Coins Codex entry: Orlesian Caprice Coins
Codex entry: The Port City of Amaranthine Codex entry: The Port City of Amaranthine
Codex entry: Prowler Codex entry: Prowler
Codex entry: Scandalous Gossip Codex entry: Scandalous Gossip
Codex entry: Ser Stroud Codex entry: Ser Stroud
Codex entry: Shadow Codex entry: Shadow
Codex entry: The Summer Sword Codex entry: The Summer Sword
Codex entry: Wager Notes Codex entry: Wager Notes

Note texts[]

Diary of a Nosy Servant Diary of a Nosy Servant


  • In Orlais, an informal final test of a Chevalier's training involves roaming the streets, intoxicated, and testing one's blade by killing City elves.[37]
  • Though a cause of great scandal, commoners can sometimes surreptitiously buy their way into the chevalier order through a scribe by the name of le Mage du Sang, or "the blood mage," infamous for his reputation of being able to "conjure noble blood out of thin air."[38]
  • A yellow feather is the mark of a Chevalier in Orlesian Society.[39]



  1. According to Liselle.
  2. Codex entry: The Empress's Point
  3. Dragon Age: The Masked Empire, pp. 54, 222, and 225.
  4. Dragon Age: The Masked Empire, p. 255.
  5. Dragon Age logo - new Dragon Age: The World of Thedas, vol. 2, p. 280
  6. Dragon Age: The Masked Empire, ch. 4
  7. Dragon Age: The Masked Empire, p. 53.
  8. 8.0 8.1 Dragon Age: The Masked Empire, p. 54.
  9. Dragon Age: The Masked Empire, p. 252.
  10. Dragon Age: The Masked Empire, p. 292.
  11. Dragon Age: The Masked Empire, p. 158.
  12. Dragon Age: The Masked Empire, p. 297.
  13. Dragon Age: The Masked Empire, p. 326.
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 Dragon Age: The Masked Empire, p. 57.
  15. Dragon Age: The Masked Empire, p. 331.
  16. Dragon Age: The Masked Empire, p. 303.
  17. Dragon Age: The Masked Empire, p. 256.
  18. Dragon Age: The Masked Empire, pp. 351 and 36.
  19. Chevalier's Mask
  20. Dragon Age: The Masked Empire, p. 348.
  21. A Deluded Chevalier
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 According to the guest announcements in the quest Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts in Dragon Age: Inquisition.
  23. Aid those Impacted by the Civil War
  24. An Offer from the Imperial Army
  25. Codex entry: Chateau Haine
  26. Codex entry: Duke Prosper de Montfort
  27. Banter between Blackwall and Varric.
  28. Choose Successor in Lydes
  29. Codex entry: Aveline, Knight of Orlais
  30. Leads the Orlesian contingent alongside the Inquisition forces into the Arbor Wilds.
  31. Dragon Age logo - new Dragon Age: The World of Thedas, vol. 2, p. 298
  32. Fearling
  33. Codex entry: The Summer Sword
  34. Codex entry: Blackwall
  35. Dragon Age (tabletop RPG), Core Rulebook, page 373
  36. Dragon Age (tabletop RPG), Game Master's Guide Set 2, page 52
  37. Dragon Age: The Masked Empire, pp. 54–55.
  38. Dragon Age: The Masked Empire, p. 77.
  39. Dragon Age: The World of Thedas Volume 2, vol. 2, p. 277.