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Case: The Missing Merchant is a case in Dragon Age: The Last Court. It is unlocked during Broken Glass and is completed when the player earns ten Clues.


You track the merchant down to an ill-reputed house on Candles Street, where he has been indulging his fondness for contracted affection, strong wine and certain herbs from the depths of the Applewoods.

Your guards drag him before you. He makes a hoarse apology. "I may have over-indulged, your Grace. You know what they say: 'There is no guilt in Serault'."

You demand to know what he means. "Only that no one cares what happens here," he stammers. "A man - or woman! - can indulge their vices in Serault without worrying that word of them will get back home."

Available actions[]


Send the fool away
You've got the tints. That's what matters.

Result: Restored
You wave the merchant away. He leaves with the petrified expression of a man who has just realised what he said, and to whom.
Your new windows paint the hall a thousand vibrant colors. The stag of Serault rears on the left; on the right a blazing Andraste stands, masked according to a local custom. They look magnificent.
The next day is market day. The streets course with visitors. Peddlers rub shoulders with priests. Chevaliers ride past ragged vagabonds. Merchants bedeck their stalls with bright cloth. In your hall, your seneschal approaches with urgent news...
+1 Trophy, +10 Freedom, -10 Dignity, -10 Clues
A Miraculous Opportunity


Seize his cargo
No guilt, eh? Then so be it!

Result: No one cares what happens here
The merchant complains, until it's clear that you could have his head as well as his cargo. Suddenly silent, he shuffles away.
Your new windows paint the hall in a thousand vital colours. The stag of Serault rears on the left, while on the right a blazing Andraste stands, masked in accordance with a local custom. They look magnificent.
The next day is market day. The streets course with visitors. Peddlers rub shoulders with priests. Chevaliers ride past ragged vagabonds. Merchants bedeck their stalls with bright cloth. In your hall, your seneschal approaches with urgent news...
+1 Trophy, +10 Prosperity, -10 Freedom, -10 Clues
A Miraculous Opportunity


During Case: The Missing Merchant there are no pinned cards, and no character cards appear in the Happenstance deck, except for the Smiling Guildmistress. By intentionally avoiding Clues when completing events, a player can enter the main game with boosted statistics. This will still use actions, but will not start the countdown to the Divine's arrival until later.
