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Case: The Dashing Outlaw Strikes Again is a limited pinned action card in Dragon Age: The Last Court. It is continued from the action card The Dashing Outlaw Strikes Again, and unlocks The Cave.


A trio of merchants from Val Royeaux were ridiculed and robbed in the Applewoods. Their account suggests the Dashing Outlaw was to blame...

Available actions[]


Ask the Dashing Outlaw what she knows of the robbery
She might even tell you the truth.
(uses an action)

Result: Her eyes flash
"Wasn't me. It would have been, if I'd got there first. Three gold-dipped merchants of Val Royeaux, soft and stuffed as palace cushions?" She spits. "A gift, and not even Satinalia! And that business with the mock hunt? The serfs would have made songs of that.
"But your geese were plucked the minute they set foot over the border. Someone knew they were coming, and by which road."
-1 Favor from The Dashing Outlaw, +Cunning, unlocks Corner the robbers


Compile an account of the bandits
You have assembled descriptions from the merchants and others waylaid in the woods lately.
(uses an action)

Result: A case of mistaken identity?
The leader of the bandits was a woman: fair-haired, dimpled, with a finger missing from her left hand. The Dashing Outlaw, meanwhile, is lean and raven-haired.
The woman was Orlesian, but her men spoke with foreign accents.
-15 Clues, +Woods-wise, unlocks Corner the robbers


Corner the robbers
Finally, your investigation has uncovered the location of their lair.
(uses an action)

Result: Too late for justice
The woods hiss with rain as you crouch beneath a hunched oak, waiting for your scouts to return. When they do, they approach with more haste than caution.
"Someone got here first, my Lord. Their lookout is dead, his throat cut. The cave is a corpse-yard."
You'd better see this for yourself...
-20 Clues, You've found the bandits' lair....
The Cave
