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Broken Glass is a one-off card in Dragon Age: The Last Court. It occurs early on in the game's main path as part of the tutorial prologue, and precedes Case: The Missing Merchant.


You turn your attention to the broken windows of the hall. You can't conduct the Marquisate's business until the repairs are made.

You summon the mistress of the Glassworker's guild. "We can make repairs, your Grace," she tells you, "but not without certain rare tints that were to be delivered this week. Unfortunately, the merchant transporting them appears to have gone missing..."

As you play you will receive cases. Gather Clues to investigate them, then pass judgement.

Available actions[]


Investigate the Case of the Missing Merchant
You want your hell restored just as it was. No, better!
Begin a short tutorial about investigating cases. You will receive a useful reward at the end.

Result: The game is afoot
A good ruler cultivates sources of information regarding every part of their realm. Whatever has happened to this merchant, you will find him.
You will be taken to the main play screen. Click on your deck to draw cards, then play them to earn resources. Gather 10 clues to locate the missing merchant. Click on the 'More' tab to the left to see your current objectives.
Filling your hand from your deck costs an action. You have 20 actions, and recover one every 20 minutes.
You have moved to a new area: The Chateau, You are searching for a missing merchant, Case: The Missing Merchant is unlocked


Order replacements in plain glass
You're too busy to trouble yourself with a delayed merchant. Undoubtedly he's drunk at a roadside inn, somewhere.
Skip the tutorial. You will lose a little Dignity.

Result: Pragmatism
"I will arrange for more...straightforward replacements immediately, your Grace," the Smiling Guildmistress promises. Over the next few days, your servants clear away the broken glass and fit the clear, blank panes delivered from the glassworks. The new windows don't bathe your hall in a thousand colours as the old ones did, but they keep the wind and the rain out. The normal business of your court can resume.
And just in time! That evening, your seneschal bursts into you chambers as you dine. "Your Grace! News!"
After a short interlude you will be taken to the main play screen. Click on your deck to draw cards, then play them to earn resources. Filling your hand from your deck costs an action. You have 20 actions, and recover one every 20 minutes.
-5 Dignity
