Complete Grim Bonds
The team must race to save a group of Dalish elves the Venatori plan to sacrifice to their risen gods.
Neve is essential to this quest so only one other companion can be taken.
Forest Overlook[]
Walk through the Forest Overlook, before using the zipline, climb the large rock in the centre of the clearing, there is a ladder hidden on the left side, climb it and jump across the gap to collect two Heartwoods and a small chest.
The Temple Of The Sun[]
Then take the zipline, landing in The Temple Of The Sun, immediately head to the left, jump down onto the paved area and straight ahead is a ladder heading down a level. Use the ladder, follow the path to drop down a second ladder and carry on forward to collect another Heartwood and small chest. Head back to the paved area and walk north, drop down a couple of levels until you spot a telescope on to your left, next to it is Note: A Brief Message on a chair.
Go back to the zipline and this time go right, follow the narrow path to collect two Flawless Crystals and a large treasure chest. This contains either Glory Hunter's Bow (rogue) / Veil's Bough (warrior) / Glacial Rod (mage). Now head to the quest marker.
Make your way through the crowd of Venatori in disguise to find the kidnapped Dalish Clan. Once you have gone through the first area with the halla, you climb a ladder and drop down the ledge on the other side, double back to collect a small chest that contains Focus of the Veil.
In the next area, you will encounter the Mayor of D'Meta's Crossing if you choose to let him live. Walk straight forward and then through the open door on the right. Collect the Heartwood and Imperial Weave, open the rucksack and small chest and read Note: Crumpled Note (Temple of the Sun). Next climb on top of the large stone and over the broken wall to land in a small room with a halla statue, open the large chest that contains Jumper's Deft Leathers. Go back the way you came and exit the room, follow the path through the Venatori, when you see the archway to the next area take a left to find more Imperial Weave, double back to find two Heartwoods then pass through the archway.
The next area has no loot but there is a funny conversation you can listen in on if you take time walking around the Venatori.
A short cut-scene will play where Neve argues with a guard to get through to the main event. Follow the path to the quest marker and play the next cut-scene. After this your cover is blown and the Venatori will turn hostile.
Ruined Aqueduct[]
After dropping the disguise and equipping your original gear, proceed through the Ruined Aqueduct. There are 3 waves to this fight; First a group of Venatori made up of 4 Master Venatori Soldiers, 1 Master Venatori Executioner and 1 Master Cult Mage. Second 2 more Master Venatori Soldiers and another Master Cult Mage show up, and then finally a third wave of a Master Venatori Centurion and 1 Master Venatori Soldier.
After the fight drop down into the water to collect a Pure Ore, climb up the ledge and follow the path behind the waterfall to collect a rucksack, two Flawless Crystals and a health potion (if you need it). Continue through the open door, follow the path round and jump down into a lower level that looks like an abandoned camp.
There is a smaller fight with 3 Master Venatori Soldiers and one Master Venatori Executioner. Once defeated search the camp for two Imperial Weave, two Heartwoods, a rucksack and two health potions (if you haven't used them).
Temple Gardens[]
Walk up the hill, climb up a ledge, enjoy a view of a giant dragon, then jump down the next ledge to land in the Temple Gardens and immediately fight 2 Master Venatori Soldiers and 1 Master Cult Mage. Follow the path to the west and climb up the ledge, collect the Flawless Crystal in front of you and search the small camp for a small chest, Heartwood and a health potion. Take the stairs up a small wooden platform for an ultimate potion and then take the ladder down from the said wooden platform, follow the path to collect a rucksack. Retrace your steps back up the ladder, through the small camp, jump down the ledge and follow the quest marker.
On entering the next area note the explosive barrels, the Venatori have created an ambush and will detonate them if you get too close. The ambush consists of a Venatori Mage Summoner leading several Alpha Ghouls and an Alpha Hurlock, once the darkspawn have been defeated the mage starts summoning Undead Warriors until the mage is killed, the most Undead Warriors at a time is 4. When the mage's health reaches about 25% more Alpha Ghouls join the fight.
There are red crystals in this area that need destroying to bring down a barrier. Walk straight through the Temple Gardens and up some stairs, climb up the wooden platform to collect Heartwood and then continue up the stairs to the right. There are more Alpha Ghouls up here along with an Alpha Hurlock Spiker and 2 Blight-Touched Venatori Soldiers. Once you have taken care of them collect a health potion and continue straight forward over the broken bridge. Open a large chest containing either Focal Blade (rogue) / Elven Rockbreaker (warrior) / Dalish Wraps (mage) and then activate folded ladder, do not go down. Directly across from the ladder are some breakable boards with a red crystal behind them, use a ranged attack to destroy it, then turn around and jump down the hole. Destroy the red crystal you find there, open the treasure pot and then pick up the blue crystal which deactivates the blue barrier, walk through the arch and go straight across (collect the health potion on the way) and place the blue crystal in the receptacle next to a closed door. Go through the door, destroy the red crystal and explore the room to open a small chest that contains either Exacting Shard (ring) / Igneous Fist (warrior) / Thrumming Rock (mage).
Exit the room and immediately fight 3 Flamechained Ghouls, 1 Flamechained Berserker and 2 Master Venatori Soldiers. When the fight is done go back up the stairs and cross the un-broken bridge, destroy 4 red crystals and finally bring down the red barrier.
Pass through where the barrier was and walk through the hole in the wall on the left, explore the area to open a treasure pot to the side of a tent, a small chest on some wood planks containing Halla's Grace and collect a Flawless Crystal. Go back through the hole in the wall and jump down the ledge directly in front of you.
Remnant Isles[]
The next area has several Venatori and Veil Jumper bodies strewn about. Turn to the right and walk around the group of plants with a tree in the middle to open a rucksack. Wade through the pond next to the stairs to collect a Fade-Touched Crystal and then go up the stairs and through the archway at the top.
Head straight forward to open a small chest, then follow the quest marker to the east, the path splits into two sets of stairs on either side of a statue. Take the stairs to the left and staying left jump across the gap and go through the archway, immediately on you left are some crates and breakable boards, break them and head through to open small chest containing Forest Guardian's Veil. Go back into the room and head to the north wall, collect the health potion next to the archway, pass through and then collect the ultimate potion on the other side. Follow the path down two flights of stairs and jump down the ledge. Don't go through the big open door yet, collect the ultimate potion in front of you then turn to the right and climb the ladder, continue straight to find and open a treasure pot. This is the last of the loot in this area so turn around and follow the quest marker.
Court of Tribute[]
Go through the big open door, jump over the ledge and slide to the bottom where you will be immediately attacked by 3 Master Venatori Soldiers and a Master Cult Mage bringing up the rear. There is a red crystal on the central platform powering protective barriers around the Venatori, destroy it to allow your attacks to cause damage.
After the first fight take the time to collect any of the 3 health potions and 1 ultimate potion in this area, climb the ladder next to the ultimate potion to open a treasure pot. There are a few explosive barrels scattered about, it is best to blow these up now or they may be used against you later. Following the quest marker, head to the gate and activate the lever on the left, you will discover the gate is stuck and the scaffolding to the left collapses if you try to climb on it. As three companions not in your party try to open the gate from the other side you will be attacked by yet more Venatori.
This starts the second fight in this area. The first wave is 1 Master Venatori Executioner and 4 Master Venatori Soldiers, once defeated it gets more difficult. The second wave has 2 Master Venatori Centurions and a Master Venatori War-Mage that drops Pursuant's Implements Appearance [needs confirming]. There is a short pause in fighting where Rook and the companions argue about how long it is taking to open the gate. This isn't long, do any healing or potion collecting now, and quickly.
The third fight is against a Blood Forge, it's not very fast but is very powerful, use the pillars around the central platform to block its fire beam as you take out the other opponents; a Master Cult Mage and various shades summoned by the Blood Forge. Once defeated it drops the rune Daze.
Your companions manage to open the gate after all the fighting is complete.
Sanctum Halls[]
Pass through the gate, stopping to open the rucksack on the left and then enter the large hall. Continue straight up the stairs then to the right, at the top of the stairs look up, there is a ladder in a hole in the celling that you can deploy by shooting it with a ranged attack. Climb the ladder to collect Codex entry: Mysterious Gem and open a small chest, jump the gap to open a large chest containing Enlighted Helmet. Retrace your steps and climb back down the ladder, start walking towards the Fen'Harel wolf statue, and midway, on a large rock is Note: Water-Stained Journal.
Continue past the statue to the end then turn left, open the treasure pot and then cross the wooden scaffolding next to it, climb the ladder, jump across the gap and drop down the other side. On your right is a small room glowing light blue enter and destroy the crates inside to find and open a small chest containing Heavy Nevarran Tome - Decor. Exit the room and open the coin purse directly in front of you. Jump down to the main floor and follow the quest marker through the fog.
Path of Obedience[]
After this the map will change and you will have to explore a maze to try and find your way out. There are three paths, explore them in any order you like, there is no loot and none will lead to the way out. Instead once you have reached the end of each path you will be transported back to the starting point three times.
After the first time, the path you took will be sealed off and blight will appear on the remaining two paths. The second time, both paths will be sealed off and the blight is closer, once you jump off the ledge an Alpha Emissary will appear that you have to fight. The third time the blight has vanished and once you jump off the ledge a cut-scene starts and you will have a brief conversation with Solas.
After the cut-scene a new path appears. First you need to clear the path by destroying two blight boils. Pass through the arch you have cleared, open the door and pick up the blue crystal. Retract your steps and place it in the reciprocal to create a bridge. Cross over and destroy more boils, continue down the path and fight a single Alpha Hurlock, then destroy yet more boils, continue, and destroy even more boils until you come across a second Alpha Hurlock and 3 Alpha Ghouls. Once defeated cross the bridge and enter the fog.
Temple Library[]
Back on the main map you will find yourself in the Temple Library, search the room for a large treasure chest containing either Veil's Edge (rogue) / Skirmisher's Round (warrior) / Veilsong (mage) on the right and an ultimate potion on the left.
Pass through the door to find a series of red crystals that need to be destroyed to open a barrier, guarded by 2 Master Venatori Centurions and 3 Master Venatori Soldiers. There is a big red-crystal that periodically emits a powerful AOE blast that damages and knocks you over. Destroy it by destroying two smaller crystals in order, the first is hidden behind a floating section of wall to the west and the second is up on the ledge close to where you entered, then destroying the big one. There is 1 health potion and 1 ultimate potion in this area.
Once defeated grab any remaining potions around and then pass through the barrier. On the other side there is another health potion immediately to the right. A Master Venatori Executioner and a Master Venatori Soldier will quickly attack you, they are being protected by a red crystal that is hidden behind a section of wall next to an explosive barrel further along the path to the right. Destroy it to allow your attacks to cause damage. Destroying it, however activates a Blood Forge Prime that is similar to the one you encountered earlier in the Court Of Tribute. It summons multiple shades to fight, isn't very fast but is even more powerful than the last, a good tactic is to shelter behind objects to block its fire beam as you take out the other opponents. There is 1 health potion behind where you found the last red crystal.
Open the second barrier, open the large chest containing Explorer's Suit and then bring down the third barrier to rescue the Dalish.
- +6,250 XP
- +250 Veil Jumpers strength
- The Crafty Recruit - Common Appearance
- Codex Update
- Increased bond with all companions
The Venatori have kidnapped Dalish elves and now intend to spill their blood in sacrifice to their risen gods. The cult is gathering deep in Arlathan Forest, and it falls to the team and the Veil Jumpers to stop them before Dalish lives are lost.
The Venatori plan to sacrifice Dalish elves to their risen gods. The team has infiltrated the Venatori gathering in Arlathan Forest to save the Dalish before blood is spilled.
The team rushed to Arlathan Forest to save Dalish elves from Venatori sacrifice. There, they witnessed Elgar'nan awaken his dragon thrall, Lusacan, once worshipped as the Old God of Night. Dalish blood would've been spilled to restore the dragon to full strength, but with Solas's help, Elgar'nan's plan was thwarted. With his captives lost, Elgar'nan was forced to sacrifice his own cultists to his dragon.
Notable loot[]
- Forest Overlook
- Appearance: Death's Disciple
- Temple of the Sun
- Glory Hunter's Bow (rogue) / Veil's Bough (warrior) / Glacial Rod (mage)
- Focus of the Veil (ring)
- Jumper's Deft Leathers (light armor)
- Temple Gardens
- Focal Blade (rogue) / Elven Rockbreaker (warrior) / Dalish Wraps (mage)
- Exacting Shard (ring) / Igneous Fist (warrior) / Thrumming Rock (mage)
- Halla's Grace (amulet)
- Court of Tribute
- Daze (rune)
- Appearance: Pursuant's Implements (Nevarra)
- Sanctum Halls
- Enlighted Helmet
- Heavy Nevarran Tome (decor)
- Temple Library
- Veil's Edge (rogue) / Skirmisher's Round (warrior) / Veilsong (mage)
- Explorer's Suit (light armor)
Arriving at Arlathan Crater;
“You'll have to go through the crowd.” - No changes
- Wait, through the crowd?
- I hate cultists.
- It'll be a fight.
Walking through the Venatori Camp;
“It's Elgar'nan, not Ghilan’nain like we expected.” (No approval changes from Neve or Bellara [needs completing])
- We'll try to avoid him.
- Fewer tentacles is good.
- Too bad. She owes us a fight. - Davrin & Lucanis Approve
- (Q) You handled that well.
In the maze;
"Elgar'nan's magic has thinned the Veil, allowing me to speak to you directly." (No approval changes from Neve, Bellara or Harding [needs completing])
- Help us!
- Did anyone else hear that?
- I'm busy.
Back at the Lighthouse;
“Indeed. Ma serannas, lethallan.” - No changes
- Credit’s not all mine.
- Thank Solas.
- We barely made it.
Codex entries[]
Codex entry: The Arlathan Crater
Codex entry: The Elven Gods in Tevinter
Codex entry: Neve's Case Notes: Elgar'nan
Codex entry: In Praise of Elgar'nan
Note texts[]
When the party hears Elgar'nan making promises, he promises everyone different things.
- What Elgar'nan promises Rook
- Antivan Crow: "Knives and poisons are nothing, little Crow, when I could make you master of life and death."
- Grey Warden: "The world will not remember your sacrifice, Warden. But I see your worth."
- Lord of Fortune: "There are greater treasures in this world than even you can comprehend. I will show them to you."
- Mourn Watcher: "Listen, Watcher, and I shall share the secrets of death, and what lies beyond."
- Shadow Dragon: "Your gods have returned. Give yourself to me, and be seated at my side when the Imperium rises again."
- Veil Jumper: "You fight the chaos of the Fade, but I could make you its master."
- What the companions respond
- Bellara: "No. His death meant something. Leave him alone!" or "No. Not like that. Never like that!"
- Davrin: "He's telling me he'll get the griffons back." or "He's telling me the griffons will never be hurt again."
- Emmrich: "He says he can teach me to bring back those beyond... no, impossible!"
- Harding: "He's... he's telling me he can protect everyone. My family. Ferelden..."
- Lucanis: "All I want from you is a blade in your heart."
- Neve: Doesn't say anything.
- Taash: "Marzblok. Get out of my head. You and Ghilan'nain mistreat your dragons." or "She wouldn't want to come back. Not from your vashedan magic."