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“At the heart of it, all a Warden is, is a promise. To protect others...even at the cost of your own life.”

Blackwall is a Grey Warden and a companion in Dragon Age: Inquisition as well as a potential romance for female Inquisitors.


Blackwall is a committed Grey Warden, who's not only content, but proud of the lives of isolation and valor those of his order lead. In that isolation, he counsels that you have become something more than yourself, and it is that noble ideal that spurred Blackwall to become one of those few to choose, of his own accord, to undergo the Joining. He prefers the life of the Warden to any other.[1] At the time of the Fifth Blight in 9:30 Dragon, Blackwall was stationed in Val Chevin and held the post of Warden-Constable. He was strongly opposed to Teyrn Loghain's decision to close the Fereldan borders, and exile the Grey Warden while the Fifth Blight raged.[2]

Blackwall walks the land as a Warden recruiter. His goal is to help others and act as a shield to his comrades, and this reflects his view of the Grey Wardens as an order of protectors.[3]

Blackwall is also an acquaintance of Duncan.[4]


Dragon Age: Inquisition

This section contains spoilers for:
Dragon Age: Inquisition.


Blackwall tarot card

Should the Inquisitor choose to find Blackwall in the Hinterlands, they arrive when Blackwall is training a trio of conscripts to fight off bandits, who attack on cue. After fending off the bandits, Blackwall sends the conscripts off and is questioned by the Inquisitor over the disappearance of Ferelden's Wardens. Refusing to stand idly by if his order is involved in Divine Justinia V's death, Blackwall joins forces with the Inquisition.

If Blackwall accompanies the Inquisitor in the siege of Adamant Fortress, he can reason with the Warden warriors by reminding them of their duty.

Blackwall tarot

Blackwall Alternate tarot card (With the Inquisition)


Blackwall Alternate tarot card (Exiled)

After completing missions at Adamant and Halamshiral, Blackwall disappears from Skyhold. An Inquisition messenger shows the Inquisitor a crumpled note, suggesting that Blackwall intends to attend the execution of a man called Mornay in Val Royeaux, accused of taking part in a massacre as ordered by his captain, Thom Rainier. At the execution, before Mornay could be hanged, Blackwall steps up to the platform, admitting to have ordered Mornay, revealing that he is Thom Rainier and that he had been impersonating Blackwall.

If the Inquisitor visits him in prison, they would have a chance to question Rainier. He reveals that back when he was a well-respected Orlesian captain, an ally of Grand Duke Gaspard, Ser Robert, ordered him to attack one of Empress Celene's allies, Lord Callier. His soldiers were told that they were on an important mission and the attack turned into a slaughter, as they massacred Callier's family. With Gaspard disavowing their actions, Rainer ran. He later met a Grey Warden named Blackwall, who saw his potential and sought to recruit him. But on their way to the Warden stronghold in Val Chevin, they stopped by a Deep Roads entrance to collect darkspawn blood for his Joining. However, Blackwall ended up sacrificing himself to protect Rainier from a darkspawn. Believing that he had no way to become a Warden without Blackwall, as the Wardens may assumed he murdered him, Rainier took Blackwall's name. But when he learned that Mornay had been captured, Rainier couldn't let him take the fall for his crime.

If the Inquisitor chooses to free Rainier, the latter is judged back at Skyhold. The Inquisitor has the decision of either setting him free, make him serve the Inquisition against his will or turn him over to the Wardens once Corypheus has been defeated.

If you have low approval and side with Gaspard and let the Empress die, Blackwall will leave your party when you talk to him back at Skyhold.

It is revealed in Blackwall's companion quest that he did not actually complete the Joining and is therefore not truly a Grey Warden. Should the Inquisitor choose to send Blackwall to the Wardens, however, it is implied that he will undergo the Joining.



Blackwall Romance tarot card

Blackwall can be romanced by a female of any race.

If Blackwall or Josephine isn't romanced, banter between Blackwall and other companions suggests that he has feelings for Josephine. Both Josephine and Blackwall acknowledge that they both have feelings for each other but cannot consummate it as it would be inappropriate since they are of different stations. They seem content to flirt in subtle ways- such as exchanging romantic tokens or looks to express their fondness for one another, yet always in secret.


Main article: Blackwall/Dialogue
  • "Sometimes you have to figure out for yourself what the pledge to protect others really means. It's not always just about Archdemons and Blights."
  • "You know I hate the aristocracy as much as you do. I hate that they sit in palaces sipping wine while people starve outside their gates. I hate that good soldiers die in senseless wars over who gets the fancy chair. Still, it's better to have the nobility on your side than not. They're dogs, all of them, and even the primped and powdered ones have teeth."

Codex entries

Codex entry: Blackwall Codex entry: Blackwall

Codex entry: A Fine Time to Close a Border Codex entry: A Fine Time to Close a Border


  • Blackwall was written by Sheryl Chee.[5]
  • He is described as "The Resolve".[6]
  • He is described as dedicated, almost mentor-like figure, but he's also a man alone; he's been on the road for a very long time, and it wears on him.[7]
  • According to Sheryl Chee, Blackwall likes dogs.[8]
  • Blackwall's greatest fear is himself.


