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Before you begin... is a one-off card in Dragon Age: The Last Court. It occurs early on in the game's main path as part of the tutorial prologue.


You're a young ruler. But you've been here long enough to set your stamp on the Marquisate. What have you accomplished in your time so far?

You can choose one starting advantage for Serault. Be careful! If any two of these ever fall to zero, the game is over.

Available actions[]


Liberty and tolerance. A high Freedom means your peasants and townsfolk are better-treated, and serve more from love, less than fear.
Only the Scholar may choose this option.

Result: Tireless work
When the Cheery Baron levied taxes three times in one year, you summoned him to account for himself. They say you walk hooded among the populace, seeking injustice and protecting the common folk. (You don't. But they say you do.) In the inns and market-places, they wonder if you might be the one to bring change to Serault.
An occurrence! Your 'Freedom' Quality is now 50 - Justly Governed!, An occurrence! Your 'Dignity' Quality is now 30 - Humble!, An occurrence! Your 'Prosperity' Quality is now 30 - Straitened!


Wealth and stability. A high Prosperity may be less glamorous, but it's a means to an end.

Result: Much that glitters
You could have hunted, you could have warred, you could have walked incognito among the peasants, you could have read up on your political philosophy. Instead, you built a foundation of gold on which a new Serault will rise. Good times are ahead.
An occurrence! Your 'Freedom' Quality is now 30 - Sternly Governed!, An occurrence! Your 'Dignity' Quality is now 30 - Humble!, An occurrence! Your 'Prosperity' Quality is now 50 - Comfortable!,


Pride, honor, order. A high Dignity makes Serault better respected by your neighbors, and keeps your nobles happy.
Only the Huntress may choose this option.

Result: The pride of the Marquisate
With the spoils from border skirmishes, you've furnished the chateau and held tournaments for the entertainment of your vassals . When wandering philosophers sow sedition, you deal with them harshly. The bards call you the Glass Rose of Serault: deadly, beautiful, adored, dreaded.
An occurrence! Your 'Freedom' Quality is now 30 - Sternly Governed!, An occurrence! Your 'Dignity' Quality is now 50 - Modest!, An occurrence! Your 'Prosperity' Quality is now 30 - Straitened!,
