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August Rams are a type of horned ungulates. With their long, curved horns, slim bodies, and quick speed, they resemble an antelope⁠⁠⁠⁠—though this resemblance ends at their blue-and-orange coat and red eyes. They are found roaming around the Hissing Wastes of western Orlais, and the Emerald Graves and Emprise du Lion of the Dales.


"The August Ram!" Surely whoever named it "ram" had never seen its more common cousin; the slender legs and sleek hide give the animal the grace of a hart or halla. Its curved horns spiral back over delicate ears twitching at the slightest rustle of grass. When startled, speed is the August Ram's only defense against the hunter. It is difficult to sneak up on these shy and wary creatures, but I have been here so long and shown such mild behavior that I have gained their trust. The rams graze peacefully a stone's throw from my sketching easel as I write this, thinking no more of me than a rock in the field or a flower in the grass. I just wish the rotten things would stop trying to eat my canvases whenever I leave camp.

—From The Diary of Tillendall Lemallen, noted painter of wildlife and portraits to the Orlesian court[1]


Emerald Graves Emerald Graves
Emprise du Lion Emprise du Lion
Hissing Wastes Hissing Wastes

Abilities & Skills[]

Immunity: Physical Effects
Immunity: Slowed
Immunity: Sundered
Immunity: Taunted

Notable loot[]

August Ram Horn August Ram Horn
August Ram Leather August Ram Leather
Fade-Touched August Ram Leather (Ability Cost) Fade-Touched August Ram Leather (Ability Cost)
Fade-Touched August Ram Leather (Horn of Valor) Fade-Touched August Ram Leather (Horn of Valor)

Codex entries[]

Codex entry: August Ram Codex entry: August Ram

See also[]

Fauna and flora

