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Astrariums in the Hinterlands is an astrarium collection in Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Astarium icon

Find and complete all Astrarium pedestals in the Hinterlands.



Astrarium cave location

Interact with any of the Astrariums in the Hinterlands.


Astrariums hinterlands

Astrarium chest

Reach and solve the 3 astrariums in the Hinterlands:

Peraquialis in Dead Ram Grove
Judex in The Outskirts
Draconis in Hafter's Woods

When all 3 astrariums in the Hinterlands are completed, the location of a cave will be revealed. The cave entrance is actually an otherwise inaccessible section of the cave explored during the side quests Apostates in Witchwood.

For exact locations of the astrariums click on the map to the right to view the astrarium icons; the unlocked cave is located approximately around the blue star.


Solving each astrarium puzzle yields:

  • 150 Influence
  • Codex Entry

Notable items[]

The astrarium cave always contains:

Snake Blade Snake Blade

Codex entries[]

Codex entry: Constellation: Peraquialus Codex entry: Constellation: Peraquialus
Codex entry: Constellation: Judex Codex entry: Constellation: Judex
Codex entry: Constellation: Draconis Codex entry: Constellation: Draconis

