Dragon Age Wiki
Dragon Age Wiki

Arvaarad is a Qunari rank that "holds back Evil", in the way of holding the leashes of the Saarebas.


The Qunari that binds and controls the Saarebas is the Arvaarad; an individual that, according to the Qun, holds back the evil. Since one of the greatest values for a Qunari is mastery of the self, there is little trust for those who are most likely to be deceived from knowing who they are. Thus mages, who are susceptible to the whisperings and temptations of demons, are regulated by their Arvaarad.

The role of the Arvaarad is strictly to hunt Tal'Vashoth, and hold the leash of the Saarebas in their care. The latter task, however, takes precedent over any other that may come to an Arvaarad. An Arvaarad is the Qunari equivalent of a templar; one who takes care of (or imprisons, depending on where in Thedas the organisation is) mages.

If a Saarebas has been outside their Karataam, a group of several mages held together on the same leash, then they are considered at risk for certain corruption, if not already corrupted. When this occurs the mage, and all who have come in contact with it, are to be killed.


One Such Arvaarad appears during the quest Shepherding Wolves.

