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Dragon Age Wiki
For the lore article, see Abomination.

An abomination is a monster created when a demon possesses a mage.


There are stories of abominations that have ravaged entire settlements or even gone on to tyrannize a countryside for years after their creation. Most of the world does not know, however, that the strength of an abomination depends entirely on the power of the demon that possesses the mage. Thus, the magnitude of threat an abomination can pose is dependent on the type of demon that possesses the mage.

Dragon Age: Origins[]


Templatetools This section is incomplete and requires expansion.


Broken Circle Broken Circle
Lost in Dreams Lost in Dreams
Something Wicked Something Wicked
Have You Seen Me? Have You Seen Me?


Circle Tower Circle Tower
Templar's Nightmare Templar's Nightmare (The Fade)
Sloth Demon's Sanctum Sloth Demon's Sanctum (The Fade)
Abandoned Orphanage Abandoned Orphanage (Elven Alienage)
Lakeside Road Lakeside Road (Random encounter)
Out of the Way Out of the Way (Random encounter)

Abilities & Skills[]

Monster properties and traits[]

Abomination Properties[1] Undead Properties Demonic Caster Nature Immunity
+5 strength
+25% electricity resistance
+50% cold resistance
-25% fire resistance
+5 spellpower
+10% spell resistance

Immune to nature damage

Monster abilities[]

Standard rage, hunger, sloth and desire abominations have exactly the same appearance and use the same pair of skills.

Skill Used Condition Use Chance
Rage Rage HP < 75% 50%
Any 20%
Triple Strike Triple Strike (its effect varies slightly in abomination types) Any 30%


  • Abominations are vulnerable to fire, but are immune to nature damage, as well as being resistant to cold damage (but they can still be slowed, frozen, petrified or shattered). As a result, the party should avoid using Shale's natural crystals, Acid Flasks, Acidic Traps, and most poisons against them, in favour of their fiery equivalents.
  • Abominations one of the few enemies to have electricity resistance (25%).
  • Abominations explode shortly after death, dealing minor area of effect damage.


Rage abomination
Sloth abomination
Hunger abomination
Desire abomination
Pride abomination

Dragon Age II[]

Templatetools This section is incomplete and requires expansion.

Codex entries[]

Codex entry: Abomination Codex entry: Abomination
Codex entry: Demonic Possession Codex entry: Demonic Possession
Codex entry: The Right of Annulment Codex entry: The Right of Annulment


  • Although this article lists abominations as demons, in terms of resistances, abomination can sometimes be classified as undead. Some abominations (first and second floor of the Circle Tower, for example) have high cold resistance and negative fire resistance. Demons however should have high fire resistance and no cold resistance. Other abominations (third floor of the Circle Tower) do not have either cold or fire resistances.
    • Cold iron runes do not damage abominations even when their resistances are set to be like those of the undead.

See also[]



  1. Rage abominations do not have these properties.