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A Voice in the Plaza is an event in Dragon Age: The Last Court. It is continued from the card Enlightenment.


A crowd is gathering to listen to a man preach revolution in the plaza. He laments the lot of the peasantry, whose toil puts fine clothes on noble backs. He mocks the idea that some are born to rule. "Is a king born more wise than a pig-farmer? Does a lone baron make better judgments than a council of commoners in open debate?"

In support of his case he recounts scurrilous tales concerning the follies of Serault's high families. Some of them are true, but that doesn't make them less dangerous.

Available actions[]


Let him talk
He has a right to speak.

Result: Only words
The crowd swells. Voices rise, some in agreement, some in argument. Around them, the market's business goes on. The debate continues until sunset, when people begin to make their way home.
Another day in Serault Town.
+10 Freedom, +10 Rumors of Revolution


Silence him
Sedition catches like fire. Douse it quickly. Make an example of him.
Difficulty: Rulership*2

Success: Restoring the peace
You order him arrested. If nothing else, he's disrupting the business of the market. He shouts and raves as he's led away, but your guards are discreet. The crowd has forgotten him... or if not, they know better than to talk about it.
-10 Rumors of Revolution

Failure: Dangerous seeds
Your guards drag him - still raving - away. The crowd watch. They do not intervene, but you see rebellious fires bloom in their eyes. They have begun to ask themselves a troubling question: 'Who's next?'
+10 Rumors of Revolution


Argue against him
Yes, nobles are better-suited to rule. They are raised from birth to do so. Could a priestess repair a mill? Could a miller lead an army? What would happen if we each forsook our place?
Difficulty: Rulership*6/7

Success: A full and frank exchange
You counter his points one by one, speaking with eloquence and humor. Beside your calmness, his anger looks unreasonable. The crowd begins to turn your way.
However they complain, however dark their present circumstances, they are proud sons and daughters of Serault. You remind them what that means.
-10 Rumors of Revolution, +10 Dignity

Failure: Rabble-rousing
There's no reasoning with him. He plays to the crowd, mischaracterising your position and mocking your refined speech. By engaging with him, you've given him legitimacy. The crowd's mood turns against you.
+10 Rumors of Revolution
