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A Rivaini Talisman is an Act 3 companion quest for Isabela.


During Act 3, explore the Disused Passage accessible via Harbormaster's Office and western Warehouse Districts areas of the Docks (Night) and find a Rivaini Talisman in a box labelled "Storage".


Go to the Hanged Man and speak to Isabela. Hawke will give the necklace to Isabela, who explains that the necklace is a Rivaini fertility necklace that is meant to increase fertility and bring about love.

  • Note: Even if you have romanced Isabela fully and she claims she has fallen for you, she still acts hesitant about love, saying that she'd rather stick with lust.

Only tested on ps3ps3 console.


Rivaini Fertility Talisman Rivaini Fertility Talisman, which Isabela will equip as an amulet

  • Friendship (+10) or Rivalry (+10) with Isabela
  • 250 XP