Dragon Age Wiki
Dragon Age Wiki

If you bring shale with you on the quest to the anvil of the void, he will have a conversation with Cairidin. he finds out he was a female dwarf.

Talk to "her" (in camp) about it and she will want to know more. she remember the location of cadash thaig. now you can travel there. upon ariving you see that it is in fested with dark spwan. when you see plants growing there wil be a little cut seen with shale. he asks to investigate further.

after you defeat some dark spawn (which isn't realy hard) you come across a realy steep bridge. cross it and you'll face a Ogre Alpha and some shreeks.

after a battle click on the gollum monument and there wil be another cutscene.

there wil be some nice crystals for shale and in the broken chest a nice dagger
