Dragon Age Wiki

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/* Überarbeitete Spoiler*/
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/* Forum formatting (by -Algorithm & -Splaka) */
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/* === Babel === */

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/* dragon age tables */
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/* info boxes */
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/* spoilers */
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.splrwrn table { }
.splrwrn table tr { background-color: transparent; } /* needed to override generic table tr color (dark gray) */
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.hide_warning { display: none; }
.show_warning { display: inline; }
.hide_spoiler { display: none; }
.show_spoiler { display: inline; }

/* depreciated, but kept here temporarily while the forum page for stealing is active */
.hide_warning1 { display: none; }
.show_warning1 { display: block; }
.hide_spoiler1 { display: none; }
.show_spoiler1 { display: block; }
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/* tierrie: tooltips related styles */
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  /* white-space: nowrap; */


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/* ### DIRECTION / MESSAGE BOXES                  ### */
/* ### (Template:Directionbox/Template:Mbox)      ### */
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/* ################################################## */
/* ### GAME ICONS (Template:Games)                ### */
/* ################################################## */

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